All outcomes from photo-shoots:
Below shows all of my outcomes from photo shoots after I have edited them as separate outcomes for their individual photo shoots I feel they have all been successful and that I can use them in some way to generate outcomes and a final display and outcomes while exploring my chosen idea through journeys and pathways.
For my initial ideas on ways that I can display and finalize my ideas and my photographs I thought about putting my photographs into a series together to show the progression of the different styles and takes on the way that women are and presented with the different times the original ad’s were produced.
Collectively all my edited outcome so far
Inspiration and Ideas:
A lot of my inspiration has come from Cindy Sherman and the way in which she develops her photographs and produces them, a lot of her work falls under different series that have themes and ideas that connect all of her images together, as well she develops photographs that I can relate my work to and my ideas and thoughts I am trying to put across in the photographs.
Cindy Sherman forces the audience to reconsider stereotypes and cultural assumptions her work for me speaks that it’s over exaggerating or not at all the realities of what people assume and when placed in this manner makes people realise as it is explicitly over exaggerated with the makeup or the way she is positioned or clothes and I feel this has a large impact on the way that the assumption can now be read.
For me the recreations of adverts was to show the journey and progession of advertising for women but also to highlight those representations by no longer having the ad with a professional model stood infront or as a painting or drawn verion of someone such as the Vogue 1939 ad or the Rosie Riveter poster, (both used real people howver they are not direct photographs) but instead have a regular person stood in front of the camera producing these ideal ads, as for me I feel it can help show and suggest exactly how these ad’s are representing women, I feel it has a slight impact by being able to see someone you may possibly know in those positions and clothes rather than someone who is always placed in them.
This was the idea and concept I have tried to take with me throughout the process in my head while developing these types of recreations and adverts.
Cindy Sherman’s Work My Work
Displays and Outcome Ideas:
For my final outcomes my ideas that I have been thinking of have been to have a series of images either all of the same board or stood separately but displayed together. For this my idea was to fully recreate the ad so to have all of the writing across from the original ad to create it into a full recreation. I’d like my displays to be quite simple in the way that they show the photographs.
For ad’s with writing on and as proper print ad’s I have 6/7 I have one photograph that doesn’t fit the trend of the photographs and I don’t feel it would work to then have them all together and one out so I am generating other ideas to see if I could produce a different outcome for that photograph.
- For this series I am tempted to produce my photographs in A3 as I feel they would look good and impact as large, however I also feel that producing them in A4 would create a good effect as magazines and places that the ad would usually be shown would be found at A4 size.
- My 6 photographs that I have from print adverts I plan to have as a series displayed separately in one frame each but have them as a part of a collection
- Or I demonstrate and display them all together in a style similar to the way I have presented them above and also below:
This is a suggestive style for the way that I could maybe present my images on one big board all together
- For my extra outcome I feel I could do something with producing very simple separate images to display beside it to show a kind of journey or development and I will explore this idea as I edit and develop that image separate from my series of images.
Display Suggestion for extra outcome