Displaying my Final Outcomes

Idea 1:

In my first idea I want to showcase my sea wall images using a sculpture/naturalistic style. I decided to get 3 planks of wood and attach them together to almost create a wall, the idea is to stick my wall photographs onto the wall to create a wall. The framing technique itself is abstract and creates a metaphorical meaning, but the images are being displayed in a naturalistic way, as they are not being folder or used to create an object. This juxtaposing idea will help to emphasis the importance of the sea walls during the war and will nicely showcase these successful outcomes. The three images will be printed as A5 images in black and white, in order for them to fit onto the wall.

Idea 2:

The next idea I want to showcase the most successful outcome, in my opinion, from the project. The abstract photograph was inspired by Khan, and allows viewers to rethink the purpose of the bunkers and reminds us of the purpose of the bunkers during Jersey’s Journey through WW2. The reason why I want to showcase this image is because I believe the edit is interesting to look at due to the distorted look, and how the formal elements work together to create this interesting piece. The image works best alone as it holds a lot of meaning and is powerful enough to stand alone. I intended to print this out as an A3 print and frame it in a black frame, which should help to emphasis the meaning and purpose of the bunkers. I decided to print the photograph as an A3 image as I wanted to showcase the size scale, how the bunkers are a large architecture in real life. Metaphorically, it showcases how the bunkers had the most impact during the second world war, which hold strong links to my project title.

Idea 3:

For my next final outcome I want to showcase my 7 propaganda images. I decided to display these images on a cork board in order to show contextual factors of the images. The cork board was occasionally used during the war to display propaganda, in work places and shops, so I decided to implement it into my work. Due to the images being not as successful I have decided to print them out as A5 images, it will ensure that they fit on the board. The photographs all work well together as they manipulate the viewers to believe and do what they say. Although this final piece is not as strong it will still showcase the development of the project and another aspect of Jersey’s Journey through the second world war.

Idea 4:

For my next final outcome I want to create a large version of Talmor’s work, using my images. This outcome will take more of the sculpture route as I randomly place fragments of an image on top of each other to create an overall distorted image, to take away connections and memories from the bunker. I will print out the three images below as A3 images and tear them up, then on a piece of foam board I will begin to randomly place the segments, ensuring the overlap and create a distorted piece. I am printing the images large to remind viewers of the actual size of the bunker and how they had a massive impact in Jersey’s Journey through World War 2 The idea will make the image will showcase formal elements such as form and shape due to the 3D element that it will hold. This idea is another successful photograph manipulation I produced as it clearly holds strong links to the project title.

Idea 5:

For my final outcome I want to display the three images which are in the style of Knez’s photography. I will display the three images by placing them on foam board next to each other with the images being 5cm apart from each other and 5cm away from the edge. This framing method takes the more contemporary route of framing and displaying, allowing the more naturalistic images to be displayed. I have decided to showcase these images as they have strong links to the project title and show my ability to manipulate my images in a different way. I really like the way the three images compliment each other and all work together to showcase how the bunkers have developed since the war and the Journey they have been through. I will print these images out as A4 images, I want them big to showcase the size but not as big as the other bunker images as the outcome is not as strong and as powerful as the other two ideas above.

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