Marko Köppe

Marko Köppe
Marko Köppe

“Marko Köppe, collage artist from the north of Germany, loves art, the classic art, like Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, Hieronymus Bosch, the modern classics, like Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, and also modern art like das Bauhaus and all its influence: Kurt Schwitters, Mark Rothko, Giorgio Morandi, Olafur Eliasson, Banksy, and so many more.

Nature, music, and especially life are important influences of inspiration, and together with the famous German proverb: Everything develops in the eyes of the viewer!, he starts to play around with the style, aesthetics, and contrast between pictures—tries to create something different, something new, that hits the eyes and through them the brain, the imagination, fantasy, the viewers’ internal feelings, wishes, and thoughts.”

Examples of his work:

Crazy Woman - Lisa Lara Bella by Die blauen Reiter, via Flickr
Crazy Women – Lisa Lara Bella (Marko

Marko Köppe

Marko Köppe

My Plan:

For this project, I will be using photos from previous photo shoots and putting images of buildings from my New York trip in June 2018 on their faces. I will also taking some images from Google Images like butterfly wings, birds, leaves and other things from nature and also putting those on the photo. The concept of these photo is that I am taking things that I saw on my journey through New York and things you would see if you went on a walk through Jersey. I also wanted to show the contrast of New York and Jersey, as one is very modern and industrial whereas the other is more natural and neutral.

Photos I Will be Using:

Final Images (Process of Editing):

I took all the images from above, turned them into black and white, adjusted contrast and then placed them in different spots
I then added noise

I am really pleased with how this photo turned out. I really like how the moth wings look like ears, and I like the contrast of the black and white images and the coloured images.

I really like the way I put the washing line on the hand. I think this photo is edited really well and I am happy with the outcome.

I really like how this photo turned out. I think I placed everything really well and I think I edited it quite well.

For each photo I tried to capture Marko Köppe editing style and I am really happy with the outcome of these final edited photos.

Carinthia West Photoshoot 2 plan

-This photoshoot will be done over a period of time, half term.

-I plan to take vernacular photos of the members of my family who’s photos I collected from their youth and picture of people my age like my sister and my friends. I plan to document the journey of youth. I want to show that the generation are completely different but are the same. They are different in what they wore and sometimes what they do but are the same.

-The lighting will be natural and artificial lights depending on whether I’m inside or outside.

-I think I will use my phone because it’s easier to take personal images of someone where they don’t have a big camera in their face.

-Where? When? Who? The days I’ve planned to take photos are when I go to my friend birthday meal and the cinema and when I see some of my old friends for a meet up and chat.

Further Ideas developing and Vernacular Photography (not finished)

Vernacular photography is the creation of photographs that take everyday life and events as their subjects.
Examples of vernacular photographs include travel and vacation photos, family snapshots, photos of friends, class portraits, identification photographs, and photo-booth images. Almost like a celebration of the mundane.

After looking at Carinthia West and Kristen Lewis I see that the idea of Vernacular photography applies to them in the way that they take pictures of people just living their lives, famous or just a normal family.

I would like to look at the idea of the journey of people and society through generations.

I’ve collected images of my parents and even some of my grandparents of their youth.