Decay – The Life Cycle


The life cycle is a viscous cycle unappreciated by most. The intense wait until our final days, that truthfully since birth has been inevitable. In my opinion, the life cycle aids our adaptation even though we are each just tiny specs within the universe we all make impacts one way or another, whether it be from passing on your knowledge to someone at work or just even making someone smile. Life and death is seen pointless to some: “born to die”- this is untrue we’re born because someone wanted to devote part of their life to us and to give us the best experiences possible.

For my photoshoot I decided to photograph roadkill willingly supplied by cats. I thought that this could represent how brutal life is and how anything could happen at any given moment.

Most Successful



Abandoned walks

For mapping out a journey, some photographers use the simple technique of going on a walk and photographing everything as you see it. This is a type of documentary photography due to the individual wanting to capture a specific thing so that image remains outside of that second.
I also wanted to capture how people have disturbed this once loved environment and left it to overgrow and rot.

For my walk, I wanted to explore somewhere desolate and closed off from reality. I discovered a small piece of private land that I was permitted to explore. I was intrigued by this area due to there being a series of abandoned green houses and overgrown shrubs. This area was eerily quiet with plants and weeds scratching against the once standing greenhouses trying to get out. These slight noises gave an atmosphere of sadness to me because these green houses were once thriving with colour, now all that’s left is rotting and decay with the musky smell of damp.

Successful Images


Paul Rieffer – Photoshoot and final images

For my photoshoot for Paul Rieffer, I took images of sunsets at multiple different times, trying to get the most colour outcomes very time to make it easier for when it comes to editing my final images.

Contact sheets:

Final images:

Final images:

I chose these final images because I believe they relate most to the photographer I am influenced by. They are interesting pictures of sunsets and include clouds and sky which can be manipulated and edited to look like Rieffer’s colourful work. All I would have to do is create multiple layers on top of each image and add colours such as purple, blue and yellow to patches where I think they would look the best, and then reduce the opacity until I get the desired outcome i’m looking for.

Edited images: