This advert that I am going to reproduce of Marilyn Monroe is an advert that has come from a a company named DesignCrowd that began crowdsourcing for freelance designers, it asked its users to photoshop the world’s ‘Most famous and missed pop culture icons’ into modern advertisements and campaigns. Many of the designers submitted several ads with Marilyn Monroe as the face, one of these being the Louis Vuitton advert below.
For this photoshoot I will be taking the camera back into the studio, taking a model that I feel will work well with the style of photograph. I will have the model dressed in clothing similar to that of the original. I have a bodysuit able to use for the shirt the original is wearing and access to a suit jacket to have my model wear. I will have them recreate their makeup in a similar way with the use of a red lipstick and enhanced blush to have it resemble the original.
Fifth Recreation:
Marilyn Monroe | Louis Vuitton Advert | Modern Day
Above shows the advert I will be recreating in this photoshoot. I will be taking the picture in the studio and will edit it according to how the photographs turn out, this may include altering the colour of the background as there will be a white screen in the studio and the original photograph can be seen to have a blush pink tone in the background of the photograph.
Contact Sheet of Outcomes
Above shows the contact sheet of my unedited outcomes, I feel many of them turned out well with what I had, one of the struggles that I came across was the access to props in the photograph, I had to improvise with what I had, for example using the bottom of a music speaker to recreate the look of a trunk and a bag that I had handy for the bag on top. Despite this I feel my images worked well as I got a good composition in relation to the original and they are clear and well lit.
Unedited Best Outcomes:
Below shows what I feel are my best images while unedited, I feel these ones had a good range of composition and the lighting is working well. My favourite is the far end image as I feel it works best as it isn’t too close to my subject and has everything I need in shot. I feel the middle photograph could be improved by moving the bag in shot and the first I have the camera slightly far away however compared to all of the outcomes I produced they are my most successful with lighting, clarity and composition.
Best Outcome 1 Best Outcome 2 Best outcome 3