Editing and Developing: 4

Chosen Photograph:

I have chosen this photograph to work with as I feel it made for the best potential with the facial expression my subject is making as well as the positioning of the camera for keeping her legs slightly out of frame for the purpose of having the best recreation I can. I aim to edit the photograph to give it the grainy tones of the original ad as well as turning it into black and white.

Editing Process:

For the first part of editing I turned the photograph into black and white and then shifted some of the colours so that the shirt turned into a darker black like the original photograph.

Secondly I went and added noise to create the grainy effect, I feel using this has worked well for me in previous images so have used it again to create the effect I am looking for.

Lastly I went through and cropped the photograph so that the subject took up most of the frame as this is what is happening in the original photograph and I feel works best.

Final Outcome:

Below shows my final edited outcome, I feel it as worked well, not as well as some of my previous recreations however I do believe it still works, I feel I have been able to show well a different side of advertising in the 90’s in the ways they represented women, this being due to the facial expression of my subject and the way she is lying which could be seen as sexualised or in a flirtatious manner which is what I was trying to put across which I feel was coming through in the original ad.

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