Kristen Lewis Analysis, Contact Sheet and Editing

Image result for kirsten lewis photography

Lighting: I think this image has artificial lighting because the subjects are indoors. The light is probably coming from the side be cause part of the subjects’s faces are in shadow. There’s a lot of contrast in the image because the tones go from their illuminated faces to dark shadows with out much in between.

Visual: There’s an almost symmetrical look to the image. This is because of the lines in the background and how the subjects in the foreground look similar and take up the same proportion of the image.

Conceptual/ Contextual info: The subjects in this image are of the photographer’s grandma and the grandma’s best friend. At the time the image was taken the two subjects had been friends for 70 years. The photographer said, ” They have taught me that friendships and love are what keep you youthful and happy and they are 2 of the most important things in life”.

I like the images in green. To me they represent the same idea that Lewis’ goes for in terms of a day in the life. Some of them also show the generational journey in the way it shows different generations and the difference between them. The ones in red I don’t really like. The first one is blurry and the three in a row is too staged.
In terms of journey these images are important to me because Bingo is my Grandma’s only hobby and she’s been going to that specific Bingo Hall for decades. Back then instead of a massive empty room with hundred playing online, you couldn’t get a seat sometimes. She used to go with her brother but stopped after he died. My Aunt has recently been taking her back to the Bingo after my Grandfather died. What’s also important about these images is how you have three generations in them and you can see the difference between the generations. My Grandma is playing bingo by stamping with a marker like she always has however my Cousin is playing it on an ipad. I like the ones in green because they have good framing and they show what I want to be shown. The ones in red are either blurry or too staged.

Reflection on My Edits

I think my images reflect the photographer’s style. I have taken picture of a family’s journey through a day. I’ve documented events that happened through the day just like the photographer. I made them white because then I could make them sharping by creating contrast and because the photographer edits her images to be black and white a lot of the time. I like my use of depth of field when taking the images because the subjects stand out and there’s a softness to the images.

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