Photoshoot 2 – Bunkers


For my second photoshoot I want to capture Jersey’s bunkers in order to show another stage of Jersey’s journey through the second world war. The aim of the photoshoot was to showcase different camera techniques in order to showcase the use of the Jersey bunkers during the second world war. I am going to capture the bunkers down at Noirmont, as there are multiple bunkers to capture providing many photograph opportunities. Moreover, the background of the bunkers are almost empty down at Noirmont which makes my images more like the artists I studied, making stronger links. I intended to take landscape images to capture the whole bunker, but I also intended to capture portrait macro shots. I will be capturing the images at a straight on and worms eye angle to showcase Jersey’s bunkers. With regards to camera settings I will be using a quick shutter speed, low ISO (so I do not have an intended blur), the daylight white balance, and manual focus in order to create a short depth of field like my case studies used. Furthermore, I intended to explore the bunkers (so I am not just capturing a landscape image of the whole bunker) which provides my own exploration towards a subject matter. I am doing this to provide more images and different content to work with as well as being able to showcase different camera techniques.


To evaluate this photoshoot I believe I have managed to produce some strong outcomes which show my ability to use different camera settings (shutter speed, ISO, white balance) to create different effects. Moreover, I have been able to show my recreation of my artist that I researched and further images showing my style of photography capturing the same subject. I think that my images present the theme of Jersey through the second world war as it showcases Jersey’s defence mechanisms and how they have been almost abandoned and isolated since the war presenting them almost like ruins showing there importance of the second world war, providing another aspect of Jersey’s journey through the second world war. As an action plan I intended to manipulate my stronger images like Virilio and Andrew’s photographs. Moreover, I want to experiment with different ways of showcasing Jersey’s bunkers, allowing me to experiment with photoshop to provide evidence of my knowledge and skill using the software.

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