Monthly Archives: February 2019
Initial Ideas
These are my initial ideas as to where I would like to take the exam project and which ideas I would like to explore.
My initial ideas involve looking into the development and “journey’s” that fashion and advertising has taken through the separate decades. To do this I will look at separate campaigns and posters in advertising and create experiments around their developments and how they have changed and what they are trying to represent, specifically looking at the women in the advertising.
Initial Ideas:
Journey and pathways to me is extremely linked in the aspect of the idea that the pathway you take is your own journey your choosing to take, and the aspect that different pathways take you on different journeys to different parts of your life. For this project I’m going to try focus of the concept of different lengths of paths and the outcomes that will be created form them, associating with the levels and struggles that someone might experience when on their pathway to ‘discovery’.
Mind map of original ideas:
Journeys and Pathways
Initial Thoughts and Ideas:

My initial idea for this project was to look at the Journey of Jersey and how it has developed into the way it is today. This lead me to a wide range of approaches and ideas, but with conducting research I have been able to narrow down this idea. I want to look at Jersey during the Second World War and how the island developed over the 5 years. This will provide me with the opportunity to explore the different styles of landscape photography by gaining inspiration through landscape photographers. Moreover, it will broaden my understanding of photography as a whole. Within this planning I wrote down a variety of locations which have a connection between WW2 and how it effected the island. This list includes:
- Jersey War Tunnels
- Jersey Bunkers
- Royal Square
- Dolmans
- Jersey Sea Walls
- Fort Regent
- Fields of Poppys
- Channel Island Military Museum
These places will all help to present the journey Jersey underwent during WW2. Furthermore, I have considered different photoshop and photograph ideas I could implement into this project. These ideas include:
- Tableaux Photography
- Photo-Montage
- Landscape Photography
- Double Exposures
- The use of a disposable camera
1940 – 1945 Jersey CI:
- 30th June 1940 Jersey was invaded by the Germans. On this day they sent a squadron of bombers over the islands and bombed the harbors Jersey.
- lack of news from the mainland after the Germans had outlawed the use of crystal radio sets.
- The island was also moved to Central European time. In the months following D-Day, as the Allies regained control of France, the source of supplies fueling the islands was now no longer available.
- Food shortages on Jersey were finally relieved by the arrival of the Red Cross ship SS Vega, bringing food parcels to Jersey. Before then, substitutes had been used to replace everyday foods, with seawater replacing salt, for instance, and a mixture of parsnip and sugar beet replacing tea.
- Hitler ordered the conversion of Jersey into an impregnable fortress. Thousands of slave workers from countries like Russia, Spain, France, Poland, and Algeria built hundreds of bunkers, anti-tank walls, railway systems, as well as many tunnel complexes. In late 1943 the Tunnel Complex Ho8 (now known as the Jersey War Tunnels) in St. Lawrence was converted from an artillery workshop and barracks to an emergency casualty clearing station able to cope with up to 500 patients.. All of the fortifications built around the island were part of Hitler’s “Atlantic Wall”. Today, traces of Jersey’s defenses and wartime occupations can be discovered across the island, especially in St. Ouen’s Bay.
- By 7 May 1945, the German army had surrendered and the end of the war in Europe was announced. During the week leading up to 6 May islanders had been hearing reports of Hitler’s fall in Berlin by way of their hidden radios. In spite of the fact that the island was still officially under occupation, rumors began circulating of an imminent end to the war in Europe.
- On 8 May the units that made up Force 135 received their orders to move to their marshalling camps in Portsmouth. The main body of the Force was due to arrive in the islands on 12 May, however, a small contingent of Force 135, including their Commander, Brigadier AE Snow, left for the Channel Islands aboard HMS’ Bulldog and Beagle the morning of 8 May.
- At 7.15am on 9 May, on the quarter deck of HMS Bulldog, Second-in-Command for Guernsey General Siegfried Heine signed the Instrument of Surrender on behalf of the German Command of the Channel Islands, effecting their capitulation. On completion of this, General Heine was then ordered to “immediately cause all German flags and ensigns now flying in the Channel Islands to be lowered”. At Midday an overjoyed Bailiff Coutanche accompanied a German delegation led by the island Commander, General Major Rudolf Wulf, aboard HMS Beagle anchored in St. Aubin’s bay, where the separate surrender of Jersey was to take place. Arriving at the same time in St. Helier’s harbour was a small naval inspection party sent to report on the health of the islanders, who were promptly overwhelmed by an enthusiastic crowd delighted at seeing their first liberators landing on Jersey soil.
- Information taken from:
After conducting this research I have come upon different aspects of the war, which I could capture within a photograph in order to present the journey of Jersey through the second world war. Moreover, looking at the history has provided me with some artists which could be used in order to help inspire photoshoots. These artists include:
- Martin Parr – Liberation Day
- Dorothea Lange – Affect of War on People
- Gina Socrates – Seawalls
- Don Mcullin – War Photographer
- CriticalMass – Ruin photography
As I go through this project I will realise what works and what does not work, which will lead to more/different artist inspiration being used.
Introduction to Journeys and Pathways
Definition of Journey: A traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time.
Definition of Pathway: A track that a person can walk along.

Journeys and Pathways Introduction
For Journeys and Pathways I feel like there are two main paths I could go down with both the subject of my photos, as well as how I take them.
In the top left is one theme idea of motoring and cars. This would work well for this project as cars have large groups of enthusiasts and passionate people; which would make for great photo shoots and projects. They also fit the theme really well as they are literally used for journeys and travelling. Many sports cars and vintage cars also have bold shapes and lines in their styling, which helps strengthen photos of them.
In the top right are landscapes and roads. These fit the theme of pathways extremely well as they are routes which people travel on. They also provide strong shapes due to wide roads, and the surroundings providing great scenery.
In the bottom left is abstract photography; which is a method I could use for this project, although it would work best with cars it could be used for any subject. It helps capture the details of the subject as abstract photos are usually taken up close, as well as providing a new view on objects as we don’t usually observe things up very close.
In the bottom right is Wide-angle/landscape photography. Although it is still compatible with cars it is best suited to the subject of roads and landscapes. This is because it helps capture more in a single frame, and gives better results when taken from far away.

Moodboard-Journeys and Pathways
Journeys and Pathways – Mood-board/ Mind Map

Journeys And Pathways – Introduction
Of the several definitions of ‘journey’ I will likely either explore the definition originating from the old french word for ‘a day’s work’. or i may choose to explore the definition of journey, ‘a long and often difficult process of personal change and development’ as I much prefer these variations on the idea of journeys and pathways and believe that this will allow for more creative exploration of ideas. I will likely explore the idea of abstract in combination with possessions. I would likely only use possessions if I were to explore the personal change/ development definition of a journey.
Journey’s and Pathways
Journeys and Pathways:
1.a. The act of traveling from one place to another, especially when involving a considerable distance; a trip. b. A distance to be traveled or the time required for a trip: a 2,000-mile journey to the Pacific; the three-day journey home. 2. A process or course likened to traveling, such as a series of trying experiences; a passage: the journey from addiction to recovery.
For my initial ideas to do with Journeys and Pathways I have started to think about the idea of aging in a development or journey and the idea of things changing is a journey and the development of things like buildings or fashion for example.