Mind-map of Ideas: Journeys and Pathways

I  order to develop some first ideas for the Journeys & Pathways project, I created a mind-map that included different themes that I could follow up. The result of the mind-map can be seen below:

For this project, one of the ideas I am looking to focus on is the journeys and pathways taken by people, as I feel that it would make my work more easily relatable, and would give me room to try different concepts and approaches more easily. I therefore developed the “People” portion of the mind-map, and found that I would focus on people taking the wrong or opposite path/journey to the one expected of them, for example, the idea below:

I feel like taking multiple approaches to the Journeys & Pathways project would allow for me to finish with a wide range of possible final outcomes, and so I developed 3 different themes that I could use to focus my ideas more. These themes can be seen below:

The above themes will help to focus my ideas, as they provide an overall topic, that can then be used to further develop ideas. For example, by focusing on people taking the Wrong Path, I can develop ideas focusing on people who seem out of context in their environment, people making decisions based on other factors rather than their own wants/needs, or the consequences of poor decisions being made.

I took inspiration from the artist Bill Viola to form an idea that I would use a pattern of 3 photographs to depict the beginning and end of a life, along with a dramatic life event in the middle of the two. This way I can depict the journey of life in a compact and concise way.

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