All posts by Orla Worthington



4th shoot,Building shoot

For this shoot I returned back into town by myself and wanted to capture more architectural themes of developments. I again want to focus on old and new and the themes of modification of St. Helier,although I think I will further expand this to people and the older generation vs the younger reflected in portraits and the areas and buildings they surrounded themselves within.


collage edits

When using collage I wanted to combine different layering of colours, physical collage and photoshop editing. The first images I wanted to combine an essence of the people who live in the area and the area itself, I wanted the hand to form a different tone of vibrancy and show an almost grabbing effect. I used two different examples collaging colour edits with more less saturated images. The next collages I waned to combine different aspects of St Helier and combine them into a large piece all layered on top of each other.

St. Helier shoot 3


For this last shoot,I went to a buildings site and I wanted to concentrate on the old vs new St Helier and the modernisation and what has to happen to town.

When going to the property development site,there was a different attitude of st helier,which was less centered around community but more around making life better for others with new morden living conditions and to them making an old abandoned area Morer beautiful and becoming more futuristic in st helier. I agree with this.I think development is important because it makes many jobs for people within jersey and foreigners.They all have the same aspiration to make jersey a better place.

St. Helier photoshoot 2

For this shoot I wanted to focus more on people and the areas in which they live and work in St Helier. I asked many of the people I took images off what they want to change in St Helier and their aspirations.

When asking the people within St.Helier,what they want for the future of their parish to be,many of their ideas relied around concerns about development and community. I spoke to the older generations so many of their views were similar.They had a fear that with the modernisation of St helier the great current sense of community would vanish.

The older women I spoke to works at the church and said how great the community was and how she just wants this to stay strong,her main concern was people not being able to afford their business anymore due to the growing process within st Helier. However due to her main interest of her community staying the same she supports developments when they are useful for everyone,this could be areas in which there are activities to do such as pools,casinos,shows and theatres.another important theme for her was the sharing of history,she told me the church we were in was built over a memorial made in the 1800’s and this is a story many would not know,she says that stories are enough to pass down history but it is still important to have areas of history be shown within jersey,once again the modernisation of jersey does not mean destroying the history of jersey’s heritage. However, Many old people do not know what is currently happening within St.Helier.


St. Helier photoshoot 1


For this shoot I wanted to focus on the more urban landscape around St Helier,using old decaying homes and the old police station back alleys as key points of the investigation. I edited the images to be less exposed and have a darker tonal style.

The first shoot I purley wanted to focus on the primary location of the red sections I was give,I wanted to show a more urban atmosphere as this is what this site successful achieved. I focused on buildings where i could see an interesting texture to the buildings,and colours that have been pushed back. I think it was interesting as i explored many areas that were restricted and paths the normal citizen would not visit and walk down themselves.again I wanted darker images less exposed and so on as this would compliment the images more to the atmosphere given.  


Plan for shoot of St Helier

Future of St Helier,as previously said my shoot is around the red section, from the old police station to around St Thomas church area.I have Previously shown and experimented within ideas and concepts I too want to capture within my work,but additional my inspiration I have had from the jersey archives and Tom pope and to not its four on my themes of old and new and modernization in buildings but also taking images of the poeple and how their lives have changed and expanded due to futuristic development.My main title for the whole of this project is : Modernization reunite with past,futistic revamp of St Helier.i also wnat to photgrphy old builings that have so much potential to build and become morden and create a new st helier.Old route,archive :The areas in which I am going to all used to be hotels,I could show comparisons of the finace areas and the old main attrcation of tourism and the contratsing digffference through justaposition of architecture and the new different audience of who come to jersey beacuse of these new main attrcations.

buildings and people: I originally expressed my main interest within concentrating on architecture of old and modern nuilindg to stress the change and further futuristic advances we need in St Helier in order to benefit everyone. However know i also want to cpature poeple living within the area,and try and tell stories through portrite images and the areas in which theyare aurrounded. although when it does comes to foucousing upin the builings i want to urban esc photography within this area,ads modern builings are not current wihtin this section of town.One of my artists is Tom Pope,he is an artists I have previously spoken about and tucks the jersey archive.i was inspired by his work because he had so many interesting conceptual ideas of presenting a location through the people living within it, and also the movement and light and overall composition of how you bring an environment o life.Additionally I am going back to focusing on modernization,this comes under the comparison and juxtaposition of fiance sector of st Helier and then my given red section and how i can edit and compare these areas and stress the need for a change.

Jersey achieve history of red section and Tom Pope

The red section I have been given, to me, this divides into two main areas;This being the old police station and the Savoy jersey and then up towards St Thomas church.The area throughout is focused upon old buildings and more urban and deteriorating areas typically ignored by governmental property developers as they do not hold a public interest within the main section of town or the finance sector.As previously spoken about all these areas have jersey ‘masterplans’ since 2011 That have not been accomplished,I will use comparisons between these images and try to enhance the need for mordenisation. Although i do believe there are many small communities within these areas to which I could take images of the people as a representative of the area itself. My main three intentions wihtin this shoot will be, old vs new,abstract urban visions and finally gentification and derelication.

This is a map of the area that I will concentrate my work around. Most of the developments architecturally around this area are old and not fitting with a style, most of the buildings were built in the 80’2-90’s and do not hold a historical value or price.Although this would be good to conceptualise my ideas of capturing urban landscapes.

Jersey Archieve:The jersey archive is an area in which historical photos over decades have been kept and tracked in order to preserve our history the lives of the people. Many of the images track specific days in time such as liberation day,however many are purely to tell stories of the people and places at the time. The area  in which I am looking into has also been a pivotal area of jersey as this is where many large hotels and churches were begun to be made and allowed citizens to come together as a society and grow as a community.The Savoy hotel is the centre of my area and one of the largest buildings of jersey history being around for many decades through jerseys history. Tom Pope is a photographer for Société Jersiaise, Jersey.His aim through his work is to show the world and people around him and he does not see himself as the artists but everything surrounding himself as the art and inspiration. Although his word is not concentrated so much on a location but the people living there, this has inspired me to be less concentrate whtin the buildings and growth of architecture but the way in which the minds of people have expanded due to the futuristic advances.The Archive is the Island’s national repository holding archival material from public institutions as well as private businesses and individuals.I think a main focus for jersey archive is to track jerseys progression of architecture and the way we can keep and expand on jerseys history.

Tom Pope

Tom Pope,has an interesting conceptual view of when presenting a location he does so through the people living their in interesting conceptual methods. I think he will help me develop from just architecture to a feeling of an area itself, showing off urban landscapes in more creative methods.

Original ideas and artist 1:Tanja Deman Fernweh

Shoot inspiration:

First idea:This is the conceptual idea of architecture within new and old buildings.This symbolises movement and clutter,and how the secrets within St Helier and the hidden past lives,this is a basement of a building and you cannot tell weather it is older or modern,I’m concentrated  to find movement and areas to which creates an interesting composition in an area we generally would not view or something we would not typically want to see within a building.

Idea 2:forming old and new buildings collaged into one image,for this I will connect my second photoshoot of modern buildings not in my given section and combine with older more historically  significant architecture. This old and new vs development can present the beauty on both sides but also the inner most need for a revamp and mordenistaion on the insides of buildings. I can use collage,reflection or editing techniques in order to successfully accomplish this.

Idea three: capturing modern or iconic buildings in a futuristic light.These alternative abstract visions could be perceived as wrong and dynamic,It shows a movement and a light of the people living wihtin that area that is important for the buildings themselves. To me this is like cpaturing a texture of a place by the radiance it gives.

urban landscapes;Although so far I have been focused on showing how St helier’s need to be more modern,in the area I have been given it is very desolet and does not have any futuristic aims surrounding it,because of this is will highlight this decay as an urge for change and also present the theme urban as a type of gentrification and derelication,and how there is a strong juxtapostion and contrast between different areas of st helier itself. I will also try and cpature living situations and poeple and their personalities  and persona they have from living wihtin that area.

Artist:Tanja Deman Fernweh

Fernweh has said that “anja Deman’s art is inspired by her interest in the perception of space and her relationship to nature.
Tanja’s works, incorporating photography, collage, video and public art, are evocative meditations on urban space and landscape. Observing recently built legacy or natural sites her work investigates the sociology of space and reflects dynamics hidden under the surface of both the built and natural environment.’
I have a keen interest within her physical and emotional perspectives of a specific location and her own personal perceptions applied to an area,And her views of ,spaces, architectures, geological formations and sites. she also incorporates photography with collage which is an idea that as said previsouly I am highly interested within. Deman’s works spends not just from the camera but also sociological research and human observations wihtin a specific location. Her images are said to ‘reflect upon the dynamics hidden beneath the surface of built and natural environments

Analysis of one of her images:

I was inspired by this image due to the way she captured the atmosphere of the location and also the emotion and persona of the people living among the area itself. The colours of the piece are very dark and concentrated on tonal shades, it presents a juxtaposition of dereliction and how the pool is a form of modernisation but does not accomplish a sense of community and the large architectural conceptual states still hold all the attention from the people itself. The more urban nature concentrated area is too unique as this is conceptually done to prensts the human influence people have and ability to change an area that once had nothing there.I want to use all her different themes and aims within my work, of collage, tonal work and the presentations of different circumstances of nature and humans all in one photo.

St Helier Masterplans

Throughout its history, St Helier has been at the centre of the Island’s economic growth and prosperity. It has developed and expanded in response to changing social and economic conditions, to provide the homes and amenities to meet the expectations of residents and migrants; and the infrastructure necessary to support commerce.the governments property development company has stated this about how they want to see Jersey in the future ‘Our mission is to create ‘dynamic innovative and sustainable new environments for people to live, work and invest, ensuring all developments are in the local interest and contributing to Jersey’s bright economic future’.  space for the island’s premier financial services industry. By investing in direct development, rather than selling land to developers, we ensure that returns to taxpayers are improved as well as retaining control over design and quality.This portrays a positive backing from the government for a need to expand St Helier and the positive impacts that will come not just from a better presentation but economically and creates a better prosperity for the citizens.

I then did research into the new large Morden buildings along the waterfront and the aim of how and why they were conducted ‘To generate the town by finding new uses for old buildings and redeveloping other land and buildings anew’

This regenerate St Helier into an attractive and popular town allows future generations to now longer feel isolated when being in such a small island, bringing more work and nobs and a sense of community within the shared relationship everyone will have with experiencing the new generation of architecture and moving jersey out of the past and into the future.

current developments:

C-JDC-10357 (1)

This buildings allows high quality civic space and will include a new public square and a new public park, as well as delivering a re-landscaped Esplanade,this will create more socialising areas and a better appeal for St helier Allowing others to talk among their community.


The existing central business district and will establish a clear identity for the island’s premier industry and strengthen the connection between the historic town centre and the waterfront.

College Gardens Christmas

The delivery of much needed residential accommodation within the existing urban envelope is a key objective of the Island Plan and JDC is tasked with delivering the regeneration of this iconic building.This is a clear example of keeping the outside of older buildings yet bringing them into the modern world,dvelopment of jersey does not have to be a complete removal of the history but creating it in a better light.

Plans of the north of St Helier 2011


concequently these developments purpose a new St helier looking better and having a large community investment wihtin advantages of nature and Jersey becoming a beautiful area including the designs of old buildings. However my concern is the time it has taken to address these designs,these were made in 2011 and still have not been done, this demonstrates how it is harder motivation for the government to spend their money of revamping areas that are not purely new buildings for finance etc.I think this is a problem because we need the whole of St helier to be expanding into the future and not ignore areas viewed as less important.


This shows the old jersey buildings and dvelopments falling down and failing to effectively present jerseys history in a complimentary way or to show what the architectures within jersey are capable of.Town needs to have new buildings as in years to come they will not be in the same condition as the ones above, only creating poor living conditions for everyone in and surrounding them. Communities deserve better quality to life and not living in a building listed due to its age when it does not bring anything to jersey and does not allow central heating for citizens.

Lastly I know many people are against the modernisation of jersey due to the buildings not being in keeping with the ones surrounding,as I have said before I think new buildings show a positive movement into the modern world and unite two different eras.Although many new modern developments are built to be in keeping with older designs yet still modern and supporting good living conditions on the inside, this is important for people not for the new buildings as it is not an accurate presentation of what can be done.

The future of St. Helier,My views

Currently St Helier is seen to be a pivotal area for tourism due to the historical significance seen through the architecture and many monuments within jersey.However,I think the future of St Helier should be surrounding a modernisation of the area and the belief that new types of models and a variety of buildings will increase the heightened market for finance and so allowing Jersey to move past the history and become more prevalent when coming to current society and the needs of expansion and futuristic development. Modern buildings such as high build buildings are needed in order to move St Helier from being a town into a more city oriented landscape,However this does not mean the demolishing of historical buildings but enhances their presence when seen and also forms a joint society of future and past to show a movement of cultures and diversity being capable within Jersey. This would also benefit jersey as tourism is not the main centred interest anymore as finance is the most important as this is where the money for funding is found to benefit the government and future advancements surrounding jersey itself. St Helier needs to move forward,150 years ago citizens of St Helier would have said to keep jersey how it is but that isn’t possible and will not benefit their needs as a society in the future.The mordenisation would benefit the younger generation as it gives them more sources for growth wihtin their world sectors, allows the government to fund university fees, and is the foregrounding of many possible future job oppitunities.For my project I Would want to purpose more Morden enhancements and capture of the property development of new builings and general progression of St Helier.(or to study developments and companies which are already supporting and creating these new buildings)

However with these developments we cannot be ignorant to the fact they will not directly benefit the citizens of St Helier and consequently not address their voices and needs.To address this the new buildings should not be purely concentrated on finance but also a sense of community. Not enough races are highlighted through St Helier,so advertising communities and a sense of home might allow enhanced relationships within different community sectors and more people to want to live within jersey.This could be community shared areas such as the theater,waterfront,fort regnant or other areas of importance to jersey. Addtionally community clubs within St helier where people of all ages have an ability to talk among each other about there loves and doubts with St Helier.All the current communities wihtin St Helier are segregated wihtin specific races,such as cheap side,there needs to be more resources of morden builings and a sense of communities for the public to voice what they want within St Helier. Once again there are sources of entertainment within jersey but they are not advertised to the extent to which they should,but a mordenistaion and re vamp will allow poeple to view each hitorical or entertainment site in a new light.  Modernization could just be the re-use of old buildings or a revamp and to continue to use an area that has been lost by history.The large progress and a new jersey future invests in different Morden forms current within the rest of the western world.