Specification and planning

In response to the title ‘political landscapes’ I have decided to explore the politics within my family, my intention if to explore things such as illness, culture and origins within my family, I want to explore my relationship with different members of my family and how harsh circumstances have effected the structure of my family and the individuals. I plan to do a variety of shoots in a variety of different locations, for my first shoot I am planning to gather a variety of items that have cultural meaning to my family and photograph them in the setting of a studio, my plan is to create very similar images with each item by placing them all the same way on a stool or platform and using the same angles and lighting for all the images .I plan to do my second shoot in the almost empty home of my grandparents who recently passed away, I would like to try and capture the emptiness of losing two close family members and the remains of what the left behind. For my third shoot I am planing on taking a variety of images when I visit my grandparents in France, I want to capture the joy of the house but also the sadness, I want to capture how beautiful the house is and all the memories in it but also how it is a struggle for my grandfather and the rest of my family to deal with my grandmother who is in the last stages of Alzheimer’s, I want to try and portray what it is like to lose a family member, even though they are still there the people around them feel like they are gone and that is what it want to portray in my photos.

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