Alex Webb’s work consists highly of coloured documentary photography in foreign countries such a Haiti in particular. Each image from his shoot consist of vibrant bright colours with numerus viewpoints throughout. The sharp natural lighting within the image enhances the bright colours on the wall allowing for the wall to stand out and create a strong viewpoint to focus on. The viewer is automatically directed towards the wall due to the bold colours. However, when looking at it closer, the image opens up and directs you to a mixture of personalities from the suspicious man on the left to the smiling girl running out the frame. These different personalities create a strong contrast towards each other as well as creating more of a story behind the image. The broken wall symbolizes freedom as they are able to pass through without being stopped by the wall. This naturalistic photograph clearly represents these people’s everyday lives just from capturing where they live in this rundown looking town. Formal elements play a large part in the image due to the repetition of colours and shapes that are seen throughout. This picture is different from real life because not everyone lives like this and the way Alex Webb has captured this image allows us to have more of an insight into the way these people live. Webb has done this to show the viewer what is actually happening and how it can be compared to our lives in such a dramatic way.