This blog post covers my final layout for my zine…
From my original drafts of my zine layout I have made some slight changes in terms of the things which I was not particularly satisfied with, and this is what I came up with. The layout follows a pattern in which every second double page has a link between two portraits, connected by a theme/word, followed by a double page portrait. The themes I have covered are those which I find suppressing and significantly apparent within the general public, noticeably in areas which are highly populated and civilized such as St Helier. I also made the text/words small and in a simple font as I did not want this to distract the viewer from the aesthetic value of the images themselves. The final images that i have used for my zine all have minimal manipulation and editing as I did not want to make the aesthetic of the zine overly complicated as it was more about just getting the point of the social issues across.