Zeroten, and The Shaved Guy by Lin Yi-Hsuan
I think this double page zine is effective due to the similarity between the base colours of grey being but the slight different shades to point out an obvious divide between the two pieces themselves.I think the text allow a more interesting composition to the piece and gives more attention to detail and I think this is something I might use within my own project, such as quotes from people within the zine talking about St Helier. I would interpret this zine as more of a contemporary arts style inspired by the 60’s and 70’s I think the photographer was trying to communicate the way in which drawing and art can be unique and quirky and still have a message wihtin a piece. I think many poeple would judge this piece harshly and say this is not a successful due to the child like influence the artists is seen emphasising throughout his work. My work of course would not be artwork like this but I think the main importance is the synrinarity between the pieces themselves.
I will take inspiration form the covers over these zines due to their vibrancy and interesting drawing and imagery. It will be highly effective,especiall when I will wrap up my booklet in a cover with an interesting mark and then make another card cover with a title and an image of my own onto the top.I am fascinated within the contemporary style of this artist and although my images are not similar I think it will really help me in the long run. The colours of the pages themselves are always the same within both pages, I think this shows cohesion within the pages and also allows the differences between each page to focus more on the tonal black and white contrasts.
when looking for zines I decided to explore the well known cafe royal and the chosen pieces Craig Atkinson. I chose his work as inspiration due to the way in which it is so unique and art based. There is a strong sense of character and individuality between each of the chosen photos within the book and yet all clearly have a solar pattern and theme and continue as a narrative.I think I need to open my images and also the creativity up when designing my zine,I think the more contemporary and more abstract contrast within the colours and composition and displayed more creative and overall a lot more effective. I want to show juxtapositions of colours, size and also the type of image thsemlves I think this will attain the interest of the reader and present st helier visually and compositionally in a interesting way.
mood board:
I created a mood board in order to look at a quick overview of what many zines layout are like and was I think will be the most effective and also the best composition for each page. I have taken four photoshoots so when creating my zine want to expand more on images that I might not have previosluly experimented with throughougly enough.