The future of St. Helier,My views

Currently St Helier is seen to be a pivotal area for tourism due to the historical significance seen through the architecture and many monuments within jersey.However,I think the future of St Helier should be surrounding a modernisation of the area and the belief that new types of models and a variety of buildings will increase the heightened market for finance and so allowing Jersey to move past the history and become more prevalent when coming to current society and the needs of expansion and futuristic development. Modern buildings such as high build buildings are needed in order to move St Helier from being a town into a more city oriented landscape,However this does not mean the demolishing of historical buildings but enhances their presence when seen and also forms a joint society of future and past to show a movement of cultures and diversity being capable within Jersey. This would also benefit jersey as tourism is not the main centred interest anymore as finance is the most important as this is where the money for funding is found to benefit the government and future advancements surrounding jersey itself. St Helier needs to move forward,150 years ago citizens of St Helier would have said to keep jersey how it is but that isn’t possible and will not benefit their needs as a society in the future.The mordenisation would benefit the younger generation as it gives them more sources for growth wihtin their world sectors, allows the government to fund university fees, and is the foregrounding of many possible future job oppitunities.For my project I Would want to purpose more Morden enhancements and capture of the property development of new builings and general progression of St Helier.(or to study developments and companies which are already supporting and creating these new buildings)

However with these developments we cannot be ignorant to the fact they will not directly benefit the citizens of St Helier and consequently not address their voices and needs.To address this the new buildings should not be purely concentrated on finance but also a sense of community. Not enough races are highlighted through St Helier,so advertising communities and a sense of home might allow enhanced relationships within different community sectors and more people to want to live within jersey.This could be community shared areas such as the theater,waterfront,fort regnant or other areas of importance to jersey. Addtionally community clubs within St helier where people of all ages have an ability to talk among each other about there loves and doubts with St Helier.All the current communities wihtin St Helier are segregated wihtin specific races,such as cheap side,there needs to be more resources of morden builings and a sense of communities for the public to voice what they want within St Helier. Once again there are sources of entertainment within jersey but they are not advertised to the extent to which they should,but a mordenistaion and re vamp will allow poeple to view each hitorical or entertainment site in a new light.  Modernization could just be the re-use of old buildings or a revamp and to continue to use an area that has been lost by history.The large progress and a new jersey future invests in different Morden forms current within the rest of the western world.

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