evaluation and reflection

This is my favourite image of my project. The content of the image is relevant to me quite literally because of the fact that me and my family produced this plastic waste in two weeks and continue to produce this amount because, it is almost impossible to avoid buying into plastic packaging. It is a conceptual photograph that carries a lot of meaning and relevance to the modern world because it brings forth an issue no one likes to see or do anything about. I think this is down to a common trait that everyone shares - laziness. 

Using a camera only had a small significance in the process of making this image. If I left the image alone I would feel no satisfaction in its completion. I have learnt during this first year in photography that generating a final image with just a camera isn't enough. Even though a lot of technical work goes into producing a decent image. 

It was difficult to achieve the right lighting because I could only light one side of the pile at a time unless I used the floodlights, yet I couldn't achieve my desired effect with them because of the high level of light intensity. I had to manipulate the lighting with colour and use different angles so I could accomplish an image with enough light to capture the detail but not too much to white wash my image or over expose it. It would of been more successful if I had two spotlights either side of the plastic. 

For me, I want to reflect my artistic side in my images with colours and playing with the forms and shapes of the objects in a photograph by cutting out imagery from many of the photographic materials I produce from a photo shoot and piecing it together. Editing my images is the most important stage for me because it allows me to produce something that wouldn't possibly be seen in our daily lives.

In this photograph a lot of the imagery is repeated and seen in many areas of the plastic pile. I didn't want to hide this to make it seem like I produced more plastic than I did just so I could prove my point. I kept the repeated imagery visible because it has the implication that we repeat mistakes and the process of this ongoing problem is down to that fact. The dangers of producing so much plastic is known by everyone yet it is an ongoing cycle of production, because we live in a throw away society.

On the other hand, I also had to repeat the imagery because the majority of the plastic could not be seen in a singular flat image. This is one draw back that makes this image have a lesser impact on an audience. With the context of why I created this image some might ignore my points and reasons behind it because it doesn't impinge on that person. If this perhaps was an image of plastic collected over a year, it might of had a bigger impact. However, putting this image into perspective, this was one family out of billions. In two weeks how much plastic did everyone as a collective produce and where did it go?

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