Final Image Choices

I chose these two images as they are representative of two styles of paintings, Vanitas/Still Life and Portraits.

Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset

The Portrait image resembles Gwen John’s work from the model to the choice of clothing. This allows it to share meaning with the original piece of art whilst also gaining more meaning from the secrets behind the more modern subject. The light hits the subject’s face creating a subtle shadow that doesn’t destroy the image with harshness. The model stares intensely directly at the viewer allowing a link between their two lives, creating a more personal feel.

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

The Vanitas image holds a dark atmosphere in both visual and conceptual terms.  It accurately represents the meaning of inevitability of death by the choice of items in the image, from the skull to the lit candle to the books, all common features of the vanita style. Although I took this image with a simple background, it still appears interesting by allowing the viewer different items with different stories to analyse.

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