My final piece is combination of three images. I changed the overall layout from what I had thought to do originally, I stuck my images onto white foam board and then onto black cards with the two portraits on the outside and the landscape in the middle. I printed the images at size A4, but looking back I would have printed them at A3 so you could see a greater amount of detail, I have placed the images next and on the same level to as because I think that they are all of the same quality and standard and the focus should be split between all three of the images.  I think that the two portrait images have a closer link to each other, this is because they where taken during the same shoot.

Overall I feel that this project has been successful, but  as a whole i think it is not my best work. I think if I was going to go back and do the project again I would ensure to take more photo-shoots, at a range of different locations, focusing a on different colours, as the running theme through the final images is a rage of different blues. I would also ensure the take photos at different times during  the day to see how the light effects the overall look of the colours. But have had liked finding out about a range of different styles in photography and different photographers who look at colour, abstraction and minalsim. William Eggleston for his framing of everyday life photos,  Grant Hamilition for the inspiration for the use of colour, and Hiroshi Sugimoto for his abstraction work. Overall I feel that these images incorporate a wide ranges of styles, abstract,minimalism, and colour photography. My work is clearly taken elements by the three photographers, that i have studied by are not replicas of their work, I feel that i have touched upon each one of the stimulus  words, ‘Conventions’, as it it look at things we see everday in a differen way, breaking away from the norm.’ Secrets’ as unless you stop and  take you time to look for similar images like this you would past by them in everyday life. And finally ‘Codes’ is seen through the repetition of the colour theme through this project.

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