Exploring Lighting To Create Effect

Here I will be exploring the effect of tinted lighting through the editing of images, for example I will be changing the colour produced by lights and the contrast they have against the backdrop. My inspiration comes from Todd Hido who uses coloured lighting to empahise a certain feel in a room, to which I want to use so I can emphasise the idea of lights in empty areas which conventionally have people in. I will be showing my process on how I get to the current result with the software used, and how I manipulate it. First I will be starting with regular lighting imagery of areas around my house, next I will apply a saturated filter etc over it to change the colour and the outcome produced. Here are my outcomes and process:

Here is the process on how I got to the current stage in each image:Within Lightroom I used the adjustments tab located on the right to change the saturation and exposure etc. By doing this it enabled me create more dramatic images mixed with coloured lighting to maximize the effect wanted, whilst the highlights, shadows and white effects created and took away any shadows or unnecessary parts of the lighting that ruined the image. By experimenting with this it opening photographing abandoned areas up to new techniques to fully emphasize the message I wanted to get across of conventions related around public areas and the way they are perceived.

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