klaus pichler

'No matter how rich or poor the country, the report found, one-third of food produced for human consumption goes to waste, due to factors such as consumer decisions and lack of distribution channels, while over nine hundred million people are starving.' - Klause Pichler interview
contextual - Pichler used his bathroom as a studio and for storing various foods kept in plastic containers as they began to flourish in mold and rot. He grew up in a rural province in Austria where raising and eating meat was an important part of their culture. Pichler later defied these customs and became a vegetarian. 
technical - This picture has been flipped to make it look like the string is holding the lemons up like flowers. The use of lighting is cleverly done, Pichler has lit the lemons from the front and bottom which gives a shadow on the floor of the picture [the ceiling], adding to the illusion that the lemons are standing up on 'stalks'. 
visual - As Klaus Pichler said, the initial sense of his work may seem beautiful and appetizing until the viewer realizes what they're looking at. He's set up this scene to remind the audience of something beautiful; flowers, with the string set up like stalks and the lemons displaying bright and vivid yellow and green colours. These colours relate to toxicity, beauty and nature creating conflicting views on the picture for the audience - is it beautiful or repulsive?
conceptual - The photograph is set up like flowers, giving connotations of beauty and life, directly contrasted with decay and effectively death. It gives the underlying message that everything comes to an end, highlighting that the luxuries we take for granted will slowly diminish with the natural reckless behaviours accompanied by humanity. Pichler has created these pictures to make us question the everyday actions that seem normal to us; throwing away rubbish, littering, driving cars, material consumption etc. - where does it come from and where does it go? We've been bred to do and not think.

One thought on “klaus pichler”

  1. Must now publish your first 5-6 blog posts re : EXAM UNIT including your initial photos shoots for assessment and progress check!

    You have this week to make your final selection of images, edit and save in print folder.

    Please ensure your blog is organised according to the process and order that you have been asked to provide. The blog should clearly shop all stages of your process and final outcomes…all units should be clearly distinguishable from the other for marking and assessment.,

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