Homework 3- Studio

For my photo shoot in the studio I focused on experimenting with different lighting to create an atmosphere and the shadows which are created behind.

These are my final 4 images:
I edited the background on photoshop as the lighting produced in the studio was not as bright and colourful as i wanted it to be. I used the original image of my subject (with adjusted brightness and contrast) and only edited the background a different colour to make the subject stand out and to create separation from the two parts of the photograph. My subject has a neutral face in my final four images as i think they are most effective like this. I also selected images that were taken at different angles to create variation within the four and so the photos could be displayed individually or together. For example:

The photos could be shown in a set to show variation and the contrast between the background colours. For my final selection I chose the images where i used a soft box, reducing harsh shadows and where the light is even and soft on the face.

Overall my studio photography but does not have a concept behind it making these images seem less interesting. To develop my work i will explore different ideas and concepts to improve and create variety in my work.

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