Environmental Portraiture (Extension Task)

Within my portraiture photography I have in mind to try indulge into the realism side of photography and explore and portray images which enhance a sense of shock on how many people chose or more importantly have to live their lives.

Due to these intentions I have chosen to explore the work of photographers which I believe best represent their subject matter truthfully in order to be inspired to also convey these similar ideas in my work. I believe this communication of real life situations link very much to documentary photography in the way that they create a sense of awareness on how some people are living their lives.

Sally Mann

Image result for sally mann

Sally Mann is an American photographer, best known for her large-format, black and white photographs – at first of young children, then later of landscapes suggesting decay and death. Her environmental portraiture photos focus on the shocking and some what controversial behaviors of younger children which influence the idea that not all young children are innocent and sweet.

The photo above is a clear representation of the intentions that the photographer set out to convey. The innocent and harmless look upon the girls face suggests that she is the stereotypical sweet young girl. However this is clearly juxtaposed with the cigarette in which she holds which has many connotations, one being that she may no longer have the ability to conform to the standards that society inflicts upon young girls. Girls are expected to always look neat and tidy and display the correct behaviors at all times. It is a huge shock to many to see younger children performing in such behaviors as seen through this photograph which the photographer has clearly set up to challenge the dominant ideologies about young girls. The fact that the photo is in black and white helps to portray the idea that it is a disgraceful act to be smoking at that age. It would appear that this photo likely used a small aperture as the background is very much out of focus where as the foreground is is very detailed.


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