Texture- Homework 4

These photos take inspiration from Aaron Siskind focusing on texture, line and visual rhymes.

These two photos are my favourite from the shoot as they display texture of the surface, using the Ansel Adams zone system. The stones in these photographs both contain a lot of detail like the moss and weathering, making the photos more interesting. Both images contain contrasts between light and dark, the first image has contrasts from the higher level of rock and the shadows which they create below them, and the second image contains shadows through the gaps in the stones creating varied tones in the photo. Editing the photos in the contact sheet black and white makes them more similar to Aaron Siskind’s style.

These photos show similarities to Aaron Siskind’s ‘Martha’s Vineyard’ photograph:

Martha's Vineyard 131B


For this photoshoot I looked for objects that had been in the sea or near it so i could focus on the weathering and rusting, like Frank Hallam-Day did in his ship hull photos.

Final 5 Images from Shoot:

The photo which i think shows the most similarities to Frank Hallam-Days photography is image 5 as it focuses on the weathering and gradual deterioration of a man made object. It has horizontal lines, creating sections with the photo of different texture. To improve this   photo i would have photographed the entire ship hull so it showed more similarities to Frank Hallam-Days work.

I edited the original picture and altered the hue to create different colours of ship hulls and a more varied range of photos. I tried to capture the way Frank portrays the effect of time on works of man, emphasising the rusting and weathering.

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