Final print presentation and layout deisgn

I chose the following images, As I have previously spoken about their quality that they hold and the amount of narrative which is found within the pieces. I wanted to create a final presentation that both showed element of landscape, portraiture, surrealism the sublime and lastly clear indication of water, as the end title of my political landscape model was named ‘ the evolution of essentialism’. I wanted to experiment within the orientation of my piece and more interesting and sublime ways which they could be positioned, as I think this would only further develop the narrative of my work altogether. I tried to choose images which have a similar colour theme yet not overall repetitive and bland to look at. The base tones are beige greens and blues, yet with vibrant purples lilacs and some pastel undertones to create a more interesting highlight. As seen as above with the last layout, I wanted to try to incorporate both presentations into one, however, this in turn looks far too crowded and actually removes the successful element to the pieces themselves.  I belive I cold do further experimentation with the ways I could possible present these, such as what type of frame and colour. Due to my images being quite vibrant, I do not feel as though black would be the best background, as it might remove some of the tones, and create a background which you cannot properly see the base texture. I believe this project overall has really allowed my images to have a much stronger narrative and really expand on the ways in which I am capable to take images and develop them further tonally and create a true theme to my progression of work.

I want my images of the girl cover in water and bright highlights to be front and centre, for the purpose as this is possibly the most dynamic and eye-catching image, and so would allow the viewer’s eye to be drawn in and then slowly go out looking towards the rest of the imagery. I believe I should separate the two images which are very dark tonally (the one by the reservoir and underwater) this is due to the equally weight of the dark tones to be spread out throughout the presentation as a whole.  Once again due to the strong narrative they hold, discussing the sublime. To do these on foam board would be beneficial, it would further create a three-dimensional dynamic against the white, and form a much more tied together final presentation. Due to this project being about the research of a narrative and not a chronological story, it does not matter the arrangement in an order or where my images are, as to why I am placing theme o this large piece of board and not using a window frame. Overall I believe this development will very much help me achieving a successful final presentation.

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