My Book Specification

My topic in 3 words: Process of consumption

Topic described in a sentence: I will be exploring how consumption leads to a change in landscape and the process leading up to this change.

My topic described in a paragraph: I will be looking at the process of consumerism. Firstly exploring the areas which the consumerism starts and then looking at the effects which warp the landscape due to this consumerism. This will be specifically looking scarred landscapes and the inhabitants around the area of it, which I will compare with more scenic areas (where the products are produced), here I can observe the sheer size of waste hidden away in Jersey and how it is dealt with whilst forming new areas of land within it designated dumping grounds.


  • Look and Feel: A Glossy/matte cover which produces a photographic paper feel would be great regarding the topic of consumerism and the process our products go through.
  • Paper and Ink: Glossy paper used to bring out the colour in each image especially the plastics, with bold black ink to highlight certain photographs.
  • Format, Size, Orientation: A landscape book could be used due to the majority of the photos being landscape themselves, I could also utilise the space buy having a large amount of negative area surrounding the photos.
  • Binding and Cover: The cover would be the image that I think best sums up the entire project, probably an image of the dump and the piles of plastic with a large amount of negative space to fit the title in.
  • Title: My title will be about the topic of consumerism, using probably one of the three topics: Producing, Consuming or Waste.
  • Structure and Architecture: The structure will mostly consist of two images per double spread, with one image used for break pages. There will be the occasional double paged image which will probably be the photos I find the strongest and highlight the topic of consumerism best.
  • Design and Layout: The design and layout will mostly consist of two images per spread, with the occasional singular image double spread.
  • Editing and Sequencing: I will be trying to sequence the images in the order and process of our consumption. The first section of the book will be the process of making products, the second being the process of consuming the products, and the last section will be the outcome of our consumerism and the waste it causes.
  • Images and Text: Between each section I would like to add an information page informing the reader of the new area of choice, I will probably have the essay at the beginning of the book to provide an insight into the book before the reader carries on.