Collecting Material

 Photoshoot Plan:

Concept: The concept for this shoot is to develop and understanding of my Grandpas poems and what went into writing one, I am going to look through the poems and notes he wrote to give me a starting point for my own photographs. I will record any interesting documents that inspire me by scanning them, this will show the details and textures in the clearest way.

Location: I will go to my grandparents house and look in his study which remains almost exactly the same to how it was when he was alive. This room contains files of his work and reflects what his working environment might have looked like.

Lighting: For the scanning I will use the lighting from the scanner which is very bright and even, giving the images a clean and scientific look. I will also take photos of the process and study setting, for these I will use the natural lighting either from the sun or lamps in the room to set the scene.

I started exploring my Grandpas poems in his anthology and the notes he made whilst writing them, I will look for connections between significant points in his life, political events and memories he shared with other people. I am using this as a starting point to inspire me and help me develop an direction for my project.

When looking through the poems I re read a poem he wrote about me when I was younger, I originally wanted to study it because of the connections I have to it and the personal memories that I could relate it to. However I struggled to find a political connection and a way of linking it to the title of the project, but after reading it a few times I thought of a political metaphor of war which could be interpreted from the poem. It was based on a shared memory we had from my youth, on one occasion whist staying at their house, around the age of 6, I was playing with with a variety of toys which they had collected ever since their own kids were young. These included football figures, knights, Tetley tea characters and Disney princesses. I had created a scene involving all of them which centred with a medieval castle. The Poem describes this in a light humoured way.

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