For this underwater shoot I had the thought that this would definitely create the most sublime atmosphere and composition possible. I believe the combination of both tranquility and beauty posed within the inability to breath and threat of death created what would be expected as sublime. For the shoot itself I intend to create a composition of both from a large camera above the water looking down on someone submerged within the pool, but then taking this further and taking images of someone submerged within water. My visual inspiration for this shoot are the following images:
I believe these images not only focused on the embodiment of the sublime. As this shoot is one which is very hard to successfully achieve I decided I wanted to research the best way to take the shoot for it to be the most successful it possibly could be. There are an array of methods I will be experimenting with, the first is using a dslr camera but having my person submerged in the water and me having myself and the camera above the surface. With this effect I will be able to capture images of her face close up and in high definition and also her whole body from a lower down perspective. one of the main issues I am facing with this shoot as I am taking it in a public pool the lighting will be very very strong. Because of this to get the darker tonal colours and contrast will be a-lot more difficult. I could also use this to experiment with bodily from, having just hands and bodily shapes coming out of the water. I will additionally be using a go pro in order to take the deeper underwater photography and also developing the different effects it can capture compared to a different camera.One of my other aims is to really be able to capture her falling into the water and trying to really connote and depth and a submerged effect to the image itself. If the water is not deep enough I will use photoshop in order to further exaggerate how deep the water is, as this is one of the factors which will actually from the scenario of danger and pain that causes emotions based off the sublime themselves. I think this soot is so unique and I really hope the images come out successfully, and if they come out blurred and less of the detail that I wish to capture, that I could at least further edit them to still show a accommodation of emotions and suffocation of water.

Dslr edits: I wanted to edit many of the images in order to make the water feel deeper. I wanted to take many from the above perceptive as to my mind this has a tendency of themes of surrealism within the image itself. I wanted to really be able to visibly see the detail throughout all the bubbles. I think it is a really interesting perspective to be able to see someone from such detail above the water. Not only is it a unique view but it portrays the effect beauty and a aspect of danger as they have the possibility of drowning.