Using some of the images I have produced so far I have experimented with them using blending exposures. I believe that the outcomes of this experimentation have so far been aesthetically successful and give the images an abstract and unusual look, which would lead a viewer to question the strange composure and subjects within each of the images. For these experimentation I have used images from all three subject matters which i have focused on photographing. Using these three subjects together in single images will help to explore the links between these themes within surveillance. I believe that intertwining these subjects using double exposures and blending is a way of visually representing the similarities between different aspects of surveillance and how they work hand in hand, to create forces of mass surveillance.
Here are some examples of the blending experimentations which I have been working on so far…
So far from what I have produced using this technique I am satisfied and therefore intend to continue producing work for this project in the same or similar ways.