Breaking The Rules Response

I started thinking about ownership and the various paths I could follow for this mini project, I considered using internet sources and manipulating existing image like artists such as Hey Reilly who takes famous paintings, status and photographs and manipulates them. bellow we can see a few examples of their work, none of the images are original but the way they are cleverly collaged together in a relevant way creates a new piece of work. A lot of his work can be seen as a comment on modern politics, fashion and culture but is also very open to interpretation with a comedic angle. 

Another idea I had was to use content from newspapers. I am interested in the ownership of the press and how newspapers are owned by big companies who ultimately  have all the power to publish what they want. News stories are adapted and and publicised falsely to support the views of the paper and its readers. headlines and images a a big part of how news stories are interpreted because they are the fist and sometimes only thing we see. I looked into work which has already been done using newspapers and found a variety of work from collages to drawings.


I wanted to use and manipulate images and text from newspapers in my own work, I chose to use a Daily Mail because of how they are known for misleading headlines  and images to draw the reader in. By using shocking and striking content the paper can make any story worth publishing. I cut out various parts of the paper that caught my attention and collages them in different ways to change their meaning.By re arranging the words and taking images out of context completely different sorties can be created, I find this concept very interesting when thinking about the modern world when relating it to problems with fakenews . 

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