Pipilotti Rist
Is a visual artists. she is best known for creating experimental video art and installations of art often in order to portray self portraits and singing. Her work is described to be surreal and intimate as having preoccupations with the female body and a combined dysmorphia of forged abstract art. Her artwork is often categorized as feminist art. In a 2011 Guardian exhibition review article, Rist describes her feminism: “Politically,” she says, “I am a feminist, but personally, I am not. For me, the image of a woman in my art does not stand just for women: she stands for all humans. I hope a young guy can take just as much from my art as any woman.Rist first gained international attention following her selection for the influential Aperto’93, an exhibition curated by Helena Kontova and Giancarlo Politi for Achille Bonito Oliva’s 1993 Venice Biennale. Her early projection works emerged from her studies in audiovisual design in Basel, which in turn had led to animated cartoons and stage sets for music videos, made in tandem with her career as the drummer with the all-girl band called Les Reines Prochaines (The Next Queens).
In 2009 Risk made a speech about why she think surrealism is so important and this is what she had to say: She believes many people are artists dn cultural people and asks why we repreadtly creates art and ewwhy use so much effort to from a. Cultural piece of art?? She is convinced arts task is to contribute to evolution art has to ,.. the head…art has to encourage the mind art has to garuntee a detaches view of social changes. Art has to conjure up positive energy art has to create sensuousness, ears eyes and feelings. And it should make us feel better art has to reconcile reason and insctint. We are has human or made we are also animals.To reconcile our ethics with our instincts art has to reasearchnewe possibilities and most importantly art has to destroy cliche and prejudices.I believe Her work links so well into investigating the surrealism manifestos as she uses her art to portray a dream. Her work struck to me with any doubt such creativity and boundless imagination fo the mind.Her work inspired through the light and sense, her work is not defined by limits she sets herself to.She is never concerned with where it will take her but living as she does not know where she will end up through her work. She wants to inspire, and I do believe her work successful conveys this.
To me this work named ;pixel forest’ is they most comprehensive presentation of lists work to date. Her work includes influence spanning over the artists entire career,using inspirations from her early single channel videos of the 1980’s, exploring the human female body in pop culture to the expansion of video instillations. Her work transoms just a space into a architectural demonstration of masses of dreamlike environments which emphasis a hypnotic musical scores. she has created a new instillation for this exhibition in order to reveal connections between development of her art to the evolution of technology. I believe this such of nature,nuture and new found technology in order o create a surrealism dream life state in unlike anything else and is a huge movement for contemporary arts. it is said to be’ Ranging from the television monitor to the cinema screen, and from the intimacy of the smartphone to the communal experience of immersive images and soundscapes, this survey charts the ways in which Rist’s work fuses the biological with the electronic in the ecstasy of communication.’

these videos are captured and filmed in such a way to be a piece of art, they evoke such beauty ,passion and colour it combines the life of a daydreamer of surrealism combines with the aspirations of living stye hold to be so true. Her focus being that of video/audio instillations, she does this because there is a room in them for everything (painting, technology, language, music, movement, flowing pictures, poetry, commotion, premonitions of death, sex and friendliness) to her art is something we have to contribute tot should be seen as a task in order for it to evolve. Art should encourage the mind to change social perseptions and garunetee a detached view of social changes. Her work should allow yourself to conjure up positive engery in order to create a sensuousness, in order to reconcile a reason of instinct. She wishes to destroy oredujice throughout her work and cliches. This is what I love about her work. This is what I find successful about her style. she uses the surrealism as a sense of escapism through her art form, allowing the manifesto to be freedom through her work. Because of this her art has been widely exhibited at international museums and festivals, all over the world. this lush seductive imagery employs the idiom of commercial advertising and music videos in order to create such abstract art in her own individual artistic language which is informed by her past experiences. Due to her use to being in a music group music has such a strong influence upon her work, the abstract from of sense from shapes of vibrations to which she can make art with. Her work is extended beyond boundaries of the normal monitor incorporated video into an architectural exhibition through th eproejction of space. She uses all her surroundings and space in order influence and help emphasis her work to be more successful. Since her exbitiohns she has become known for producing immersive instillations which she has done with the intentions to create a transformative experience for viewers with fluid and hypnotic imagery. This often uses her inspiration of nature and also a fundamental use of technology. She is unwise in the way to which she views the beauty in nature yet values the progression of technology and uses so to enhance her Art form. Some of her work even goes so far to place the audience wihtin the screen itself, surrounded by thousands of lights.