My direction of political landscapes

what does political mean:DEFINITION:’relating to the government or public affairs of a country.“a period of political and economic stability” Politics is a word of greek origin and translates to ‘”affairs of the cities”)  This highlights the process of making a decision and how this applies to groups and members of people  In modern nation-states, people have formed political parties to represent their ideas.

what this meant to me: I believe political to me means someone who is concentrated around the making of rules and the matter of what is right and wrong and what is best for a community of people. However I believe this is the intention of politics I do however believe there is a strong sense of idiocy, lies and corruption within politics. There is also a clear representation that law was a concept made in order to keep peace, however it has caused many issues such as division between race, matter of opinion and communities of people. This disagreement between people causes wars and leads to other issues which then concentrate to political issues as again they are solved by politicians. As seen previously the definition is a group of decision making people, This group of people who make the decisions are very unlike those who they are making the decisions for. This is reflected through the decisions of class, amount of money and additionally political views reflected within everyone. This has a pivotal part of the community. I believe that we live in a  democracy and this means everyone should have a voice. This means everyone having a right vote and to voice their opinions

what does landscapes mean:DEFINITION:All the visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.“the soft colours of the Northumbrian landscape”. The term landscape emerged around the turn of the sixteenth century to denote a painting whose primary subject matter was natural scenery. A landscape is a sense of something that used to belong in english landscape.  because of this it typically very traditional. This is interesting because it is not urbanised and only seen as soft. However…. 

what this means to me: A landscape to me usually means a deep concentration of the land itself, so an enhanced concentration on nature and ignorance of man and all man made concepts. I think overtime landscapes have evolved more to me to capture a whole scenario that is reflective of where I am. This is a demonstration of narrative documentary and is also inclusive of people being within the image. I think It is important to create a mood, emotion and feeling within a landscape and not be just a ‘pretty picture’. When many people think of landscapes they reflect on the past history that occurred in that area. It is an area of land which is a reflection of memories. Political this includes wars suffering and past negative impacts that people try and forgot happened. Whenever I am looking at nature I reflect upon the beauty and also the power that nature has over humans. I think there is a misunderstood strength to every landscapes and to how it was made,I want to highlight the power and possibly present nature vs human within some of my images.  The landscape itself and what is underlining such as the history is a large concept but so is the archaeology and the study of the way in which humanity has changed the physical appearance of the environment – both present and past. This can then lead me onto environmental issues and the ignorance humans have for the actions and reaction fo nature. I believe a landscape is a reflection of a home, it is loved by many people because this is what they remember as going up and part of their childhood and who they are today. Within every landscape is a groups of people influenced by its behaviour.

I want to start off withe experimenting within three concepts:

My first concept is: portraying a sense of emotion mirrored through people and a landscapes, this will be portrayed through the attitude and strength of nature, the scenario and the tonal weather that will create a pathetic fallacy effect. I have chosen this as it political enforces the worrisome of human mental health and also the well being of global warming and the system of mind is just as important as the state of nature.  This would be under more conceptual and creative photography approaches , however when involvement of the nature this can not be narrated and so has mirroring effects of documentary photography.

local examples of these ideas:Emotions are more like a landscape; there is a variety of emotional expressions, verbal communication, and body language that goes with REACTION.You may experience a range of emotions, but think of three to start with: SAD, MAD, and GLAD.With more  research into emotions i discovered that “ Positive people cognitively process more efficiently and more appropriately. If you’re in a negative mood, a fair amount of processing is going to that mood. When you’re in a positive mood, you’re more open to taking in information and handling it effectively.” Politically this shows how people are effected by governmental issues such as money, housing, humans rights and if they are being discriminated upon this will have an influence on how they perceive a landscape and what emotion they see within nature. I think this is a really interesting concept that not only discusses mental health, the power of nature, and governmental power but also shows a physiological impact on what happens when  we see a certain landscape differing on our moods. I will represent this through a local landscape of familiarity, this will probably reflect a positive  attribute to the landscape and actions of the person due to a familiarity between them.

International example: This will have alot more power within the image due to people not knowing the area and depending on the persons mood. I could Include more narrative reflections of a landscape by taking images of native places in international areas so effecting my opinion on the landscape through their own personal influences.

My second concept:  fashion as a state of conciseness and political correctness. This would involve staged more tabloids shots of long dresses or political statement in urban and natural landscapes. These could all be done and staged in order to promote a specific issue such as furr. I could also incorporate beauty standards within a landscape and also portraiture and questions political correctness of gender and beauty standards within many formats.

local examples of this could be: a complete reflection of political issues where these models or tabloid scenarios are set up, in jersey specifically this could include a staged photoshoot outside the hospital or on land in clothes that show a contrasts in order to stage where and when.I want each image to be vivid in colour and clear within the concept they are trying to convey politically. I want it to be highly influential and fashion forward covered in colours and also huge outfits also causing a huge statement as it is going against what idealistically deemed as the normative. Fashion and what we wear is an expression of who we are so these huge outfits will make an expression fo who these women are and also a transformative way to highlight sexism, women’s rights and gender fluidity within the left political ideologies. They images could not only question the normative. I think I will divide these shoots into different themes in order to completely experiment within what issues I am currently trying to present. internationally: These examples are seen along the catwalk and on the front of major influential magazines such as vogue,etc..

my last concept: is a narrative documentary of how people live and perhaps show the conceptual side of poverty that is not usually seen within the main media. This could be perceived locally as: housing issues within Jersey and the communities differing within each parish. Much like within the future of St Helier I was able to capture people along with their emotions and attitudes towards the town itself. Similarly I will want to capture people in their natural from as a type of street photography. I want to show a synced aspect  like my previous images so will highlight a sense of cohesion within each of my shoots. internationally i can reflect a community if people  living in an area not unlike jersey and see how there life is so different to ours. Within this concept I am allowing myself a large range of possible areas, outcomes and people to meet and leaving this concept idea of how the government politically ignores those in need the most will be interesting to capture them and their living conditions.


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