First shoot plan and mind map: physcological theme of emotion caused by politics 

For my first shoot I am going to expand on the theme of how a persons upbringing and political influences on their emotions effect how they feel about a location which is reflected through the emotion of the landscape scene itself. In order to pick this to pieces and explain what I mean more: As said previous politics is about decision making decided by a group of people who’s class is usually higher than those who’s decisions they are controlling. Because of this they do not have an understanding of what it is like to be in poverty or when people need social help for them and their families. This consequently leads to these people being mistreated ignored or given the wrong treatment or help by the government. The inflicted consequence of this makes these affected people negative towards their surrounding and physiologically because they are sad and angry what they see around them too if full fo anger and sorrow. This could be a personal response to the community around them or landscapes locally where they live. I want to visit many different locations which mean something to the person in which I am taking a photo, I want them to choose by how it evokes emotion within them being in this environment. I want to convey a clear emotion through each location mimicked by the position and position of the person too. I can explain emotion through, positing, angles colour and I want a clear strength within the image. I haven’t seen an artist who has tried to explore this physiological theme of emotion caused by politics and so this first shoot will be a very experimental in order to see what is effective and if i should expand to my other themes of fashion and narrative documentary photography. If this perhaps tabloid approach first doesn’t work out I will try and make a narrative story about the effective of these deceptions on the persons and landscape, making loads of images along the way to mirror more of an experience of the person themselves. The more physiological part of how when people are annoyed all they see are angry people and a harsh ;landscape with poor intentions is my main interest. I think I can really create an interesting tabloid and an over exaggerated shoot from this.We constantly have to engage with our surroundings and our bodies is our own landscape. Because of this I will also do a small shoot whole on the Person themselves to show this emotion as they are their main home and being.

inspiration of similar concepts :

This is a really interesting article which is something I would be very interested in expanding my themes within. However she has said that her work is inspired by more eastern styles:I think that realism is more Western style. Japanese like to express emotions and spiritual feelings through the landscape photography.Contemporary theater, art and music stimulate the brain and increase mood. Emotional art heal people and leads the society to harmony. I took a challenge to capture emotions with my camera.Using logical thinking at photography results in better attention to the detail, but there is a tendency to get bored. Working with feelings and looking for emotions is more relaxing.

where the shoot will be and what I will need: I will try and visit at last two location that have an impact on my subject whether that be positive or negative. I will experiment within many different camera effects in order to enhance the image and if this is effective within the subject I am trying to connote. I think  will be more influences by a beach, hilly field and perhaps a urban landscape for these images. I also want the clothes the person is wearing to have a relation to the emotion and impact and perhaps question the political views to why they feel that way about the area itself. Additionally I think an effective thing to do will be is quote the person with a portiture image as i think this will support my themes and have a stringer impact on the audience and reader. I think this project could really make a change in governmental decisions and they can clearly see the impact it had upon people.


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