Narrative and Sequence of Photos

Narrative structure is about story and plot: the content of a story and the form used to tell the story.  Narrative structures within photography contain a set of photographs which tell a story or explore a theme through either similar photographs or ones that lead onto each other. Below are some experiments of the narrative structures that I have produced with my own photographs.

This narrative structure looks at the dereliction and destruction that is present within St Helier. My purpose for this sequence was to bring awareness to the amount of wasted space that there is within St Helier and portray it as a run down town.

This narrative structure follows on from the previous one and could work well along side it. It looks at the development present within St Helier and emphasizes the change that is occurring within St Helier. Viewers may see this as a positive thing as we are modernizing our town however others would see this as a negative thing as it could lead to the removal of historically important buildings.

Again, this narrative could follow from the previous one. It conveys the contemporary modernization which is present within St Helier and shows what the construction workers have  accomplished.