Photoshoot Plan

As displayed in my last post, the area of focus for my photo shoot is the top end of town which contains the modern millennium park and some very interesting back alleys which are fairly run down. I plan to show the contrast of the modern vs the old as it will help to show the potential for development and the future of St Helier. I will do this by capturing the dereliction of buildings as well as the construction/modernised buildings. I plan to do three shoots which will all focus on different themes.

My first shoot will focus on the actual development of St Helier and I plan to photograph builders at work. Often the builders in Jersey are migrants that have come over with intent to work so it will be interesting to document this and show these kinds of people helping the future of Jersey. Also a sense of community will be demonstrated through this as often the migrants in Jersey have a close community with strong relationships and so I will try to portray this through my photographs of them at work.

My second photo shoot will involve capturing the destruction of the area i am allocated. I will do this by shooting derelict buildings which have a sense of usage and are clearly left abandoned. I want to bring an awareness to the community of St Helier that there are buildings that are wasting space and could be used for something that would benefit our island.  I also intend on bringing a strong contrast between the old vs new of St Helier which would truly show how wasteful the abandoned buildings are.

For my third photo shoot, I want to capture the modernization of St Helier and show the development which is occurring and has occurred to improve the area and trying to build a stronger community.

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