My Views And Feelings on the Future of St Helier

St Helier consists of 33,500 people, roughly 34.2% of the total population of Jersey whilst being the capital of the island, with a reclaimed area from the sea being 494 acres. The mostly urban area includes much of the activities available for people, with a quickly growing finance sector taking up a 44% growth in 2017, thousands of jobs are becoming accessible to more and more people, making it a vital part of Jersey’s future development.At the moment St Helier is the center of Jersey’s activities regarding tourism, finance and leisure which is evident through cinemas, operas, beaches, finance buildings etc. However I think that we need to see a greater development in the progress of the style of buildings, for example an increase in higher rising, more modern looking buildings would allow for more space for other areas to really develop such as cafes and shops due to a greater space, whilst at the same time creating an impression of a town borderline city feel. However I do feel like there is a lack of community within St Helier that can be seen in areas like Cheap Side, as I don’t think there is enough events and areas that would support this and bring the community closer as a whole, to do this cultural festivities could be introduced that would allow for this support whilst being an introduction for many people into a small insight to other ethnicity’s  culture. I found that St Helier had a rather weird contrast between buildings, with many portraying an old style of architecture whilst others inhabited a more modern approach. This in my opinion is stopping the town from becoming attractive to those who live in it, as there seems to be no real structure or design to the area, rather just different designs dotting up around the place.For my shoot I would like to focus on the modernization of areas within Jersey, and the forms that they take up in comparison to the maybe more derelict areas. I think this stark comparison would allow for more abstract photography which would emphasize the differences between the modern and the old.

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