My location for the shoot

History of St Helier

Saint Helier is the capital of the twelve parishes of Jersey,  St Helier has a population of about 33,500, roughly 34.2% of the total population of Jersey. The urban area of the parish of St Helier makes up most of the largest town in Jersey, although some of the town area is situated in adjacent St Saviour, with suburbs sprawling into St Lawrence and St Clement. The larger part of St Helier is rural and the town being the mian built up area.

In the second half of the 19th century, hundreds of trucks laden with potatoes and other export produce needed access to the harbour. This prompted a programme of road-widening which swept away many of the ancient buildings of the town centre. Pressure for redevelopment has meant that very few buildings remain in urban St Helier which date to before the 19th century, giving the town primarily a Regency or Victorian character.

My area of focus

For this project I am focusing on two different area of town the Prade/Cheapside area and the I live in the Cheapside area of town ( which is clouded in purple on the map). As i have grown up there i feel that i have a close connection to this area and, by knowing many of the locals in this area for most of my life I think that I will be able to capture a sense of the community in this area. Cheapside is one of the more diverse area of St Helier as most of the Portuguese community in Jersey have small cafes there which everybody is welcome to come too. Also growing up in this area, and exploring the area as a child I know many little  spots that would go unnoticed by the passing eye. But i am also going to focus on the north-side of town as this was the area given to me, as the north of st Helier has been left behind in modern day improvements and developments, so I am going to focus on the aspect that parts of the area have been left to become derelict and have not much use of function. And that is has a master plan to rented to become like other parts of st Helier, i want to capture it in its modern state which, which is stuck in the past I feel that this area has a lack of community as this area is mainly used by people commute in and out of the area as five of the main secondary school are located on this area. So my plan for the north side of town is to focus on Buildings, the current state that they are in, the architecture, how they have been left, and to focus on the sense of community in the cheap side area and the rural aspects that have manged to survive.

Areas Of Interest On The Day

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