St Helier Masterplans

Throughout its history, St Helier has been at the centre of the Island’s economic growth and prosperity. It has developed and expanded in response to changing social and economic conditions, to provide the homes and amenities to meet the expectations of residents and migrants; and the infrastructure necessary to support commerce.the governments property development company has stated this about how they want to see Jersey in the future ‘Our mission is to create ‘dynamic innovative and sustainable new environments for people to live, work and invest, ensuring all developments are in the local interest and contributing to Jersey’s bright economic future’.  space for the island’s premier financial services industry. By investing in direct development, rather than selling land to developers, we ensure that returns to taxpayers are improved as well as retaining control over design and quality.This portrays a positive backing from the government for a need to expand St Helier and the positive impacts that will come not just from a better presentation but economically and creates a better prosperity for the citizens.

I then did research into the new large Morden buildings along the waterfront and the aim of how and why they were conducted ‘To generate the town by finding new uses for old buildings and redeveloping other land and buildings anew’

This regenerate St Helier into an attractive and popular town allows future generations to now longer feel isolated when being in such a small island, bringing more work and nobs and a sense of community within the shared relationship everyone will have with experiencing the new generation of architecture and moving jersey out of the past and into the future.

current developments:

C-JDC-10357 (1)

This buildings allows high quality civic space and will include a new public square and a new public park, as well as delivering a re-landscaped Esplanade,this will create more socialising areas and a better appeal for St helier Allowing others to talk among their community.


The existing central business district and will establish a clear identity for the island’s premier industry and strengthen the connection between the historic town centre and the waterfront.

College Gardens Christmas

The delivery of much needed residential accommodation within the existing urban envelope is a key objective of the Island Plan and JDC is tasked with delivering the regeneration of this iconic building.This is a clear example of keeping the outside of older buildings yet bringing them into the modern world,dvelopment of jersey does not have to be a complete removal of the history but creating it in a better light.

Plans of the north of St Helier 2011


concequently these developments purpose a new St helier looking better and having a large community investment wihtin advantages of nature and Jersey becoming a beautiful area including the designs of old buildings. However my concern is the time it has taken to address these designs,these were made in 2011 and still have not been done, this demonstrates how it is harder motivation for the government to spend their money of revamping areas that are not purely new buildings for finance etc.I think this is a problem because we need the whole of St helier to be expanding into the future and not ignore areas viewed as less important.


This shows the old jersey buildings and dvelopments falling down and failing to effectively present jerseys history in a complimentary way or to show what the architectures within jersey are capable of.Town needs to have new buildings as in years to come they will not be in the same condition as the ones above, only creating poor living conditions for everyone in and surrounding them. Communities deserve better quality to life and not living in a building listed due to its age when it does not bring anything to jersey and does not allow central heating for citizens.

Lastly I know many people are against the modernisation of jersey due to the buildings not being in keeping with the ones surrounding,as I have said before I think new buildings show a positive movement into the modern world and unite two different eras.Although many new modern developments are built to be in keeping with older designs yet still modern and supporting good living conditions on the inside, this is important for people not for the new buildings as it is not an accurate presentation of what can be done.

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