
A masterplan is a  long-term planning document that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development.   It is based on public input, surveys, planning initiatives, existing development, physical characteristics, and social and economic conditions.

In Jersey, masterplans have been a massive part of it’s architectural and economical development. Masterplans have allowed Jersey to successfully plan major investments such as land reclamation from the sea in order to build well-designed living complexes and has resulted in the waterfront, which is constantly used by members of Jersey. St. Helier has one big masterplan for it in which it will be constantly built on in order to fill all the available spaces to make a successful financial sector whilst providing new areas to the public at the same time. Without masterplans, the development and planning of St. Helier would be a lot less organised and successful than it has been.

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Masterplan for St. Helier, showing possible areas of development

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