Photoshoot 1

Throughout the shoot I will focus on derelict areas of St Helier and show the back streets in more detail. I want my images to clearly represent the areas that are unseen and are just forgotten about and try to strongly contrast the old and the new parts of St Helier. The area I have been given is the red area. This area has strong locations where I know I can capture the images I want to take where I can strongly capture the future of St Helier.

Contact sheet

Favorite altered images

This shoot consists of some strong images however, there are also some images that weren’t so strong and didn’t come out how I pictured them too. The images that I found where stronger I have experimented on. The image I thought was the strongest out off the 10 was the last image out of the ones that I edited as I think it clearly shows something that has been forgotten from the abandoned building and the old bikes which is something that I planned to capture. Furthermore, when editing these images I went though different processes of editing.  I firstly wanted to keep them in colour however when further editing them I found they looked stronger in black and white and increased the derelict look of the buildings and enhanced the shadows which I found made them stand out more. The images that I have made large are the three images I found where the strongest out of them all as I feel they were the ones that represented my original ideas the most out of the whole shoot.