My views, feelings and vision for how I see the Future of St Helier

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I believe that St Helier is moving forwards with intent to make money within projects like the finance center.  It is likely to benefit Jersey however, these money making investments are orientated towards the finance sector and living complexes which does not positively impact Jersey as a community. Also, the tourism industry is clearly ignored buy the development teams of St Helier with many attractions collapsing and little investment in new leisure facilities.

There are multiple areas around St Helier which have been massively improved however, there are also areas which have been forgotten about and need to be improved for example Fort Regent. This used to be a massive location for tourists and locals which is slowly becoming less and less attractive resulting in it becoming less popular and in desperate need of improvement. However, a location that strongly contrasts this is millennium park and how this area has been improved and made to attract people and resulting in this improvement it has done the job it was set out to do. Unfortunately, iconic locations such as the fort are slowly being forgotten about and left alone creating a waste of space. A location like this shouldn’t be forgotten about as it was an iconic location for many and should be redone and made to full fill the space it is using up.


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