final presentation displayed,and methods.

final presentation:

I decided to keep the same experimented final displays as my final outcomes as they were the most effective,however instead of purely mounting the two attached images I put them on a black boarder using a window mount,I do think this is more effective and suiting as the other images are also on foam then mounted onto a black frame.Overall the large set of three I think works well in the presentation and additionally the overall composition as a final set works together with the additional separate image as it acts as cohesion to the additional two images from different shoots.The large size of these a3 images on a large board has a strong impact that I think is successful altogether. I think with more experimentation my presentation could have been interesting  with all the three sets of images on one very large  board as all my included shoots work well together and it would allow more impact and dimensions to the piece itself.Due to my images being larger as I have added in frames the display is larger overall and so the arrangement to the images has changed to the original composition( this only being the seance row of images is longer)also because of this I did not think it was the most effective to connect the top image and the lower collaged image as the size does not work and it would not add anything to the overall final itself. I do think the frames are the most effective and especially the set of the final  four images having the white inner frame.Additionally using both foam-board and window display shows both skills and also divides the sets in the most appropriate mannerism, allowing a more clear cut darker edge for the more abstract technical  images then the more surrealistic experimental ones. Overall I think the frames themselves are successful as they are all in line and even and do enhance the images without removing Andy attention form the images themselves.

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