Global Warming Photoshoot

Photo shoot Plan

Genre / Artist – Surrealism

Concept – Capture images to reflect a sense of secrecy and display the environmental issues going on which people are unaware of, as well as using codes to portray this.

Location – Studio for portrait images and urban areas for the backdrops.

Shot type – Landscape and portraits with varied angle dependent on subject matter

Lighting – Natural Lighting for landscape shots and spot lights and reflectors for the studio portrait images.

Contact Sheet

Edits (Before Lightroom)

Edits (After Lightroom)


I believe these edits are strong in reflecting a sense of humanity’s destruction to the earth. I have used surrealism to emphasize the effects of global warming in which we inevitably are causing which contrasts with the political ideas from Donald Trump in which he believes climate change is not happening. These images therefore can be viewed as a response to Donald Trumps thoughts on climate change or simply a creative surrealist approach in raising awareness for humanities destruction on earth.

These image are split into 3 main sections, the top middle and bottom. The middle part is the main focus which contains the main subjects, thus being the person and the surface of the water. Where as the top and bottom contain some interesting textures and tones, this is not what stands out and catches the viewers eye immediately. There is a definite contrast within this image, with the black and whites exaggerated through the use of high clarity to create a more intense vibe. All the combined images have been taken using natural light which I believe helps to convey this idea that one day the world will look like this, and it will be ‘natural’.

These photos were taken in 2018, a time period at which global warming has been at its worst. Everyday more greenhouse gases are being let free into the air contributing to increasing temperatures and rising sea levels across earth. It is a known fact that sea levels are rising and it is as a result of humans. These images reflect this and bring awareness to these disasters through the use of exaggeration and surrealism that will get the viewers thinking about what life will be like if we continue to contribute to global warming in this way. It makes viewers consider social change in order to protect the environment. The images can also be viewed as a political response to Donald Trump saying that ‘climate change isn’t happening’.

In both images I have ensured to incorporate an emotional response to these environmental impacts that us humans have caused. Clearly in both images the persons face has been covered, in one she is hiding behind a mirror and in the other she has a bag over her head. This can connote that the person is ashamed that she has been part of the society that has contributed and lead to this disaster.

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