collections photoshoot

Photoshoot Shoot Plan

Concept: I am going to take photos inspired byJim Goldens collections work, this is his most popular work and has a very unique style. I want to create the same impact as his photos where the unique and intreeging items are shown

Location: I will take photos In front of a white infinity screen which I will make by draping a sheet over the sofa to make a curve and give the photos a clean and professional look.

Lighting: I will use natural lighting which will come in through a south facing skylight, this means the room will be very bright but not in direct sunlight.

Camera settings: I will use the manual setting on my camera so  I can change the exposure and shutter speed depending on the lighting and the item I am photographing.

Props: I will need a plain white background and possibly a tri-pod to create a studio style setup. I will also need to gather the collections of items which tell a story about their owners passion and life.


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