Final images and possible additional editing

My first final outcome range

I chose this image as it contains a mirroring self removal of identity and questions the codes and conventions of people and how they act in groups when presented against another being. I think this is successful due to the tones and the removed fragments but after consideration I do not think is the most entertaining or edited to the level I would want for a finished piece.

I chose this to be a final image as it successful conveys my themes of presenting many aspects of human behaviour and emotion presenting one identity and being, due to this being a collage of a photoshoot I had done it is increasingly abstract ,tonally and yet also demonstrates a distortion wihtin people and a secret that we hold in out identity. Overall I think the composition of this image is interesting and still allows a three dimensional  aspect of realism. I think this image has such a strong impact and I would want the size around a3 and to be printed on its own on a large black canvas.

This was originally a development idea for a final piece but I have since released I do not think the top piece is the most successful, because off this I will continue on the idea of hanging the collaged face piece but accompanied with a different piece on top. 

This image I have decided will definitely be accompanied with the collage piece, as it is interesting wihtin the mirror lines and the shades and again connotes a direct eye contact and a humanness mirrored of different emotions of different self, it proposes the idea what is real and if what we are seeing a a reflection of something untrue or if it is real.

I was considering this piece as a final but then have realised it,s not the most effective due to the editing not being the best and not finished to the standard I would want, although it would work well In a series it is not the standard of image I would want  to show.

Second final outcomes

I then decided to focus on these following images as I think the moulding of the behaviour of nature and humans is more effective and the unpredictability of the water accompanied with additional editing has made a more accomplished set of images. I will have these four images as my main set, but separate this profile image and have it as its one successful separate image. I think this image is interesting with the amount of circular curves around the person, this allows a secret of hidden identity and being submerged and separated from society from being wihtin the water. Additionally the wave from below is interesting as it connotes tones of smoke and a gradually movement to the piece.

wihtin this image there is an emotion of isolation but it is highly accomplished and effective with the isolating pale tones of water contrasting to the darker face and direct eye contact to the camera.The composition works well as the face is at the bottom of the image as if it is being swept away.

This images I wanted to show a removal of being and an aspect of  trying to escape the image, this simple editing enhances the image and still holds a simplicity.I chose this because it too still sticks to my themes and will work successful among the others. 

lastly I chose this images as there is a syncricity wihtin the previous and holds themes of escapism and surrleism within the hand almost coming through and out of the image, the textures on the floor also enhance a movement being surrounded by the water.Overall all these 6 photos(2 sets) of images will be successful and still convey human behaviour in two different environments and subject matters.

Light-box Presentation Idea


After looking into how X-ray scans work, I have come up with an idea to create a light-box as a method of presenting my final outcomes. In order to create this I will have to have my outcomes printed on acetate sheets, so that they can act as slides to go in a light-box. The inspiration from X-rays was that hard materials absorb x-rays in order to produce a layered image, but with the acetate slides the colour on the slides will absorb light in order to produce an image (X-rays and visible light both being part of the electromagnetic spectrum.) This is because the white from the images will be transparent once printed on acetate, meaning various pieces can be layered in order to create nearly endless combinations of images.

Here are some very quick 5 minute idea drawings for how I would like this light-box to look and function…

I plan to have my favorite outcomes of my white background images to be printed on acetate and then put inside suspension files because this will make sure the slides do not bend or misshape in the light-box.

Suspension flies
Acetate example

I plan to make the actual light-box either out of scrap wood or a wine crate, as I will need to make it to fit the dimensions of the suspension files.

Here are two simple Photoshop edits of how I expect the images will look when layered in the light-box…