Secrets, Codes and Conventions – Evaluation of Creative Process

I started off my creative process by looking at the idea of secrets within exploration. The artists I looked at were Robbie Shone, Emmanuel Tecles and Gregory Berg. These are all completely different photographers that photograph different subjects but they all had the common goal of documenting their exploration.

I began my first shoot by visiting the Jersey war tunnels and my primary idea was to capture the pathways that both Shone and Berg show in their photographs. I successfully managed this but could’ve done this in a more aesthetically pleasing manner by creating a brighter, more interesting photograph with some more symmetry in it.

In my second shoot I started to look at more exploration within nature and within abandoned/neglected settings. The primary idea with this was still exploration and this allowed my ideas to flow through to the exploration of the subways. I felt my work on natural exploration was successful but I needed to take photographs that had more composition and interesting themes/subjects within them.

This led me to start taking photographs within the subways in which I could use the urban, man-made structures to my advantage as they provided me with natural frames and pathways within the photographs for me to create aesthetically pleasing compositions. I used the different lightings and long pathways in order to create contrast within the photographs and to create a sense of unknown secrets at the end of the pathway. The below are my final photographs, if I was to try this shoot again I would attempt it in a busy area of the subway in order to provide contrast between images and more contrast between my photographs and Gregory Berg’s work.


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