Surrealism Single Edit


I believe this edit follows the suggested words for our exam title very effectively. It links to secrecy due to the isolation and sense of no where that is created. The clouds in both the sky and reflection help to draw the viewer down the picture into the background that is completed isolated, having connotations of mystery and secrecy. My edit has a connection with conventions because it demonstrates  how modern day photography is in the way photography nowadays is about photo manipulation and telling stories through this as a-pose to documentary styles of showing the truth. Also it can link to codes in the way that the objects in the photo, like the lamp posts, are symbolic and convey a secret meaning. In my opinion, the lamp posts  help to create the overall surrealism of this photo because usually lampposts are found in urbanised areas however in my edit I have juxtaposed this by putting them in a very open, empty place.

 Editing Process

Photos Involved in the edit

Photo 1

Within the edit I used this photo twice because I duplicated it to create the refection that my model appears to be sitting on. I used the gradient tool on the reflection to add a blue fade to make it seem as if it is actually a water reflection. Using the colour balance throughout the edit I ensured to create a more interesting image by adding in purples and pinks within the sky.

Photo 2

Again, within my final edit, I used this image twice. I made a duplicate of this image and then flipped it vertically and adjusted the opacity to 40% to create a reflection of the model in the floor.

Photo 3 (From The Internet)

Image result for lamp post transparent

This photo was used three times within the final edit, twice for the actual lampposts and one for the reflection of one. I think the lamp posts in this edit really help to give a depth of field and add to the isolation and loneliness of the photo. It helps to create the surrealist feeling because usually lampposts are in urbanised areas and in this image it is used to emphasise the isolation.

Step By Step

The Layers

One thought on “Surrealism Single Edit”

  1. Great editing skills coming through here…a series of these images could work well. You must show influence from Rene Magritte, as there are some distinct similarities.

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