Exploring Surrealism

What is Surrealism

Surrealism is a 20th-century movement in art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images. Surrealist works feature the element of surprise and unexpected juxtapositions.

The purpose of this movement was to destroy the borders between reality and dream and to release the passion.

Photography Surrealism

Surreal photographs present pictures that are unlikely to find in the real world and deals with producing photographs that appear to have some kind of special impacts.

Surrealism photographs usually represent overlapping photographs, abstract forms or blasts of light that trick the viewer senses.

Their brain perceives that the things they are observing are quite impossible in reality, yet at the same moment their eyes are viewing a remarkably realistic-looking photo.

Examples of Surrealism

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What I intend to do with surrealism

Using surrealism I intend to exploit the exaggeration of environmental change that humans are creating. I will use artists for inspiration and create work in a similar style while using my own ideas. This will link to the exam title as i will be defying early day photography conventions and complying with photography conventions of modern day which are all about photo manipulation and using Photoshop to alter images. It will link to the idea of secrecy because I will be raising awareness of the environmental impacts that humans are creating that not everyone is aware of, therefore uncovering the secrets to why and how our world will be destroyed and what it will look like.

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