Inspiration 1 & Conventions Of Photography

The History Of Photography

Photography was first developed as a way for people to document and record how things in the world happened or what they looked like. Photography was originally used to give a true representation of something and there were no photo manipulation or editing involved. Mo-Ti was the person who came up with the idea of photography and the camera obscura, or the pinhole camera. It was used by Joseph Nicephore Niepce  to make the first ever photograph, or more specifically, the earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera in 1826. Since then photography has defied these early day conventions and now photography is an art form in which people manipulate their images to try and portray what they wish was there or perhaps what looks more aesthetically pleasing. Most of the commercially used photographs in modern day society have been strongly edited to visually please the audience.

My Intentions

Linking to the ideas of conventions, for this photo shoot I intend to defy the traditional conventions associated with photography and therefore follow the conventions of modern day photography. I will do this by taking simple landscape images focusing on composition and framing and then edit saturated colors into the images to create a more visually pleasing image.

Micheal Steric

Michael Steric is best known as an Instagram photographer who was born in United States on in 1997. Michael is currently 20 years old living in LA but travels around the world to capture incredible images to share daily with his audience. He mainly photographs during golden hour, when the shadows are the longest and the sun is rising or setting. He also focuses on night photography because of the ambient vibes he is able to absorb and portray.

Before and After Editing (Micheal Steric)

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Image result for michael steric before and after

Image result for michael steric with and without preset

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