Secrets, Codes And Conventions Introduction


The term ‘secret’ means to hide something or someone from others  as a way of making sure it is not seen or known about by those you with to keep it a secret from. Ideas I have from this term revolve around the idea of opening or revealing something previously hidden to others, to do so I could use software such as Photoshop to manipulate imagery into a sort of surreal picture which includes these aspects. Other ideas could include hiding something from plain sight, such as a hidden areas in the landscape which would be easy to do in Jersey from the amount of historical places present.


The term ‘code’ means a system of words, letters, figures or symbols, this however can be used for terms such as religious codes and codes present in modern day society. To explore this I could take imagery of codes in modern day life in town that helps the running of the overall system, this could consist of lights, signs etc that I could then develop into a final piece. Other ideas could be based around religion and law, where I use imagery to show how their codes of conduct are reflected on their own lives.


 Convention means a way in which something is usually done, or a meeting or formal assembly for discussion and action on matters of common concern. To explore this topic I could photograph social norms and those who live on the fringe of society such as the homeless etc. By doing this it would highlight the separation between classes and how many live their life.  


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